New Horizon Promotions Highlights Leadership and Mentorship
Woburn, MA, December 25, 2015 ( - “Nonstop professional growth is an integral part of the New Horizon Promotions culture,” said Kerlande, the firm’s director of operations. “The idea is to help everyone grow into accomplished and admired leaders.”
According to Kerlande, New Horizon Promotions thrives as a result of an intensive leadership development regimen. Not only do team members regularly hone their skills by through training and conferences, but they are also paired with the most experienced managers in the company. The managers act as coaches, helping associates acquire hands-on education as well as all the knowledge they need to grow.
"I recommend that every business executive implement a leadership program in his or her company,"
Kerlande , Director of Operations
How to Develop an Effective Leadership Program, as Explained by New Horizon Promotions’ Director
“I recommend that every business executive implement a leadership program in his or her company,” Kerlande continued. “Setting and assessing goals is the first step to doing so. What are your values, and which qualities do you want to see in your leaders? What do you want these leaders to accomplish? The answers to these questions will shed light onto the uniqueness of your business. Not every company can succeed with the same values, mission, or goals. You must consider all these factors as you determine the objectives for your leadership development program.”
Kerlande indicated that the next step is to identify the best candidates for the program. At New Horizon Promotions, she and her colleagues rely on an intensive recruiting and hiring protocol to ensure everyone they hire has leadership potential. Even on teams full of high performers, however, executives should identify the members who have the most energy and ambition. By focusing their development on those workers, executives can maximize their investments.
“As far as training content goes, there are a number of options,” Kerlande added. “It depends on the program goals and the dynamic of the group. However, it is essential to incorporate real-world problems and case studies into the program. All the theory in the world won’t help if people don’t know how to apply it to their daily activities. Of course, hands-on practice is the best way to learn. Once trainees demonstrate that they’re ready, put them in the field and observe their progress.”
“Leadership development programs show people they’re valued, and keep them engaged,” Kerlande concluded. “They also give workers the growth opportunities they crave, while perpetuating the overall success of the firm. You can’t lose.”
About New Horizon Promotions
New Horizon Promotions is a leading consumer acquisition firm that is committed to effective lead generation. By utilizing unique marketing channels and applying cutting-edge demographic research, they are able to deliver consistent results for a diverse portfolio of clients. Their team of campaign experts combines precise, strategic planning with flawless execution to reach customers quickly and to spur rapid growth for the companies they represent. New Horizon Promotions has built a reputation as an industry powerhouse as the firm continues to serve its clients with integrity and innovation.