Narconon New Life Retreat at St Bernard's First Ever Recovery Month Rally

ST. BERNARD, Louisiana, September 28, 2017 ( - Treatment centers from across Louisiana joined hands on Saturday to celebrate recovery month at the first annual recovery month rally in St Bernard, Louisiana. This was a combination of groups and individuals working together to address the ongoing addiction problem in Louisiana.
According to the CDC, overdose deaths in Louisiana increased significantly between 2014 and 2015 with a 12.4 percent increase. In response, Robert Fezekas II went to the city council of St. Bernard last year and September was proclaimed Recovery Month in St. Bernard. Shortly after this, Robert and other members came together to form the St. Bernard Residents for Recovery. This year, the group held their first ever Recovery Month Rally at the St. Bernard City Council Chambers on West Judge Perez Dr.
The importance of the event is to get individuals to celebrate their recovery in the light so that even more get treatment and no one has to die in the dark.
Robert Fezekas II, St. Bernard Residents for Recovery
As one of the founding members, Robert Fezekas II had this to say,
“The importance of the event is to get individuals to celebrate their recovery in the light so that even more get treatment and no one has to die in the dark.”
The stigma of what an addict is and the fear of being discriminated against is a huge problem in recovery, with many addicts fearing persecution if they admit they have a problem and seek treatment.
One of the focuses of the event was to bring everyone to the table who could make a difference helping those in recovery as well as those yet to get treatment. Over 10 treatment centers and recovery groups participated offering their help and resources.
Several treatment modalities were present including 12 step programs, non-12 step drug rehabs and religion based treatment centers. All treatment facilities work to address what Mike Sherwood, the event announcer describes as gaps in local treatment,
“One of the biggest problems we have in the St. Bernard area is that people who need treatment fall through the gaps. The two biggest spots we have found is the jail and hospital. When someone is released from an overdose or a drug charge there is no one there to get them into treatment.”
Every drug addict saved has a significant impact on the community they are a part of. There is one less person creating the demand for drugs, one less person to be arrested and one less person committing crimes to get their fix. To learn how you can join in and support the St. Bernard Residents for Recovery, visit their Facebook at:
Source: St. Bernard Residents for Recovery