MS1 Energy Announces Wind Turbine Project Development At Hill Farm, Byfield

Project to generate renewable electricity for local community takes shape

MS1 Energy is pleased to announce that it has secured the right to develop a medium-sized wind turbine at Hill Farm, Byfield and is in the process of producing a planning application to submit to Daventry Council. Once built, the proposed wind turbine will have a rated capacity of 500kW, enough to power around 280 homes and alleviate approximately 565 tonnes of carbon a year. It will boost the local economy's sustainability and contribute in a small but meaningful manner to the wider goal of reducing the UK's emissions of greenhouse emissions by 20% by 2020, and help to improve the country's energy security. Hill Farm has been family owned since 1938 and MS1 Energy is working closely with the landowner on this project. We welcome the views of local residents regarding this development and invite comments from interested parties.

At MS1 Energy, we recognise that the rural environment is both a working landscape and one appreciated for its natural beauty. As part of the planning process, we are investigating the most important areas required by local, regional and national planning guidance. This includes analysis performed in-house and by other groups including RSK Group (ecology), Northamptonshire Archaeology and the National Air Traffic Service. RSK Group's initial findings are that the Hill Farm Project will have no significant impact on wildlife The turbine will be situated in excess of 400 metres from neighbouring homes ensuring that at these locations it will be very quiet.

"The Hill Farm project will help to safeguard the lifestyle we enjoy today for current and future generations, by producing low carbon electricity in a sustainable and ethical way." says Peter Wolf, Director of MS1 Energy. "The project comes at an opportune time given the decline in the UK's oil and natural gas production and the threat of climate change. We're keen to engage with the community and look forward to meeting people at Byfield Village Hall, Lower Annex, from 11am on the 8th of December."


Notes to Editors.
MS1 Energy is a developer of small to medium sized onshore wind farms. One of the major differences between it and other wind farm developers is that it does not seek capital from the owners of viable sites for wind turbines, preferring to raise the necessary funds through other means.

The proposed Hill Farm development will consist of a single EWT 54 turbine, rated at an indicative capacity of 500kW and up to 67m in height (from the ground to the tip of the blade). It will generate enough electricity to power around 280 homes with clean, sustainable electricity, taking into account both natural fluctuations in wind intensity and the efficiency of the turbine's generator.

For more information, contact Peter Wolf, Director, MS1 Energy at:
0208 123 5608

MS1 Energy Ltd
3rd Floor,
207 Regent Street
United Kingdom

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