Mount Sinai Memorial Parks Hosts Free Kever Avot Memorial Service in Los Angeles on September 28

Los Angeles, CA, September 15, 2014 ( - On Sunday, September 28th, Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and Mortuaries will host its 60th annual Kever Avot services at the Mount Sinai Memorial Parks in the Hollywood Hills and Simi Valley.
Mount Sinai Hollywood Hills
5950 Forest Lawn Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90068
"In this, our 60th year of observing Kever Avot, we look forward to bringing together over 1,500 members from our community to pray together as one."
Len Lawrence, General Manager
Mount Sinai Simi Valley
6150 Mount Sinai Drive
Simi Valley, CA 93063
Kever Avot, which in Hebrew literally means “graves of the fathers”, is an ancient custom dating back to the beginning of Jewish history. Each year, between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, it is a Jewish tradition to visit the cemetery to pay homage to parents and loved ones to gain strength through communal prayer. “In this, our 60th year of observing Kever Avot, we look forward to bringing together over 1,500 members from our community to pray together as one,” said Len Lawrence, General Manager of Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and Mortuaries. “I am pleased to invite everyone, including those whose loved ones are buried far away, to join us for this sacred service.”
Both free Kever Avot services will be led by Rabbi Nicole Guzik and Cantor Marcus Feldman from Sinai Temple. They will be joined by the Sinai Temple Choir, under the direction of Aryell Cohen, singing music and prayers in Hebrew and English to evoke tradition and inspire reflection and meditation.
The Kever Avot services will begin with the sound of the shofar and end with the recitation of the Kaddish – the traditional Jewish prayer recited by mourners. All who remember loved ones are encouraged to attend to show our strength as a community.
This year, in remembrance of our heritage, Mount Sinai will be showcasing a collection of vintage Parokhet (traditional ark coverings) that once adorned synagogues all around the world. These magnificent Torah ark curtains, which originate from as early as 1877, are hand-stitched with gold and silver brocade and reflect the historical prominence of Jewish traditions from a bygone era.
Mount Sinai Memorial Parks 2014 Kever Avot Fast Facts:
- Mount Sinai’s 60th year holding Kever Avot Services
- All Mount Sinai Kever Avot services are free and open to the public
- Estimated Attendance - 1,600 (1,100 Hollywood Hills, 500 Simi Valley)
- The Hollywood Hills service at 10:00 will be held outdoors to accommodate all attendees
- Vintage Parokhet on display at both parks
- Free shuttle from parking area available in Hollywood Hills
- Handicapped parking available
- Interpreters for the hearing impaired provided
- Casual dress welcome
For additional information about Kever Avot services, please call (323) 769-1317, email or visit the website,
About Mount Sinai Memorial Parks
Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and Mortuaries is the largest exclusively Jewish mortuary/cemetery organization in California, serving the full continuum of Jewish observance. Its mortuaries and memorial parks, in Hollywood Hills and in Simi Valley, serve Jewish families throughout greater Southern California, including metropolitan Los Angeles and Orange Counties, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties and the Inland Empire. A non-profit organization, Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and Mortuaries is dedicated to the entire Jewish community as a service of Sinai Temple of Los Angeles.
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