MDX Makes Special Delivery to Miami-Dade County Commuters and Small Business Owners as Part of Cash Back Rebate Program

Miami, Florida, December 8, 2015 ( - MDX used a novel approach to deliver a little holiday cheer to members of the Authority’s Cash Back Toll Dividend Program (CBTD). MDX Chairman Louis Martinez visited small businesses owned by MDX frequent customers enrolled in the CBTD program to personally deliver their rebate checks and thank them for being part of the CBTD program.
“Our cash back program is the first of its kind in the nation and our way of giving something back to our frequent customers who invest with us and use our five expressways,” Martinez said. “And we are happy to be able to do it before the holidays.”
"Our cash back program is the first of its kind in the nation and our way of giving something back to our frequent customers who invest with us and use our five expressways," Martinez said. "And we are happy to be able to do it before the holidays."
Louis Martinez, MDX Chairman
Martinez noted that the average cash back rebate check is about $75.00. “CBTD members saw their toll rates go down from an average of .70 cents to .49 cents because of their participation in the program,” Martinez said. Martinez visited two Miami-Dade County small businesses – Cool Breeze Air Conditioning and All Dade Fences.
“We are thrilled to receive money back from MDX,” said Alex Jimenez, of All Dade Fences. “Because we are enrolled in the program, we’ve seen how much we can save on tolls and it is really helping our business.”
“This is amazing,” said Frank Crawley, an owner of Cool Breeze Air Conditioning. “When do you ever see a toll agency give money back to the drivers that use its expressways?”
Later in the day, MDX staff visited the home of Charles Speakman who uses MDX expressways to commute daily to his job in downtown Miami. “I think that a lot of people don’t realize how much MDX does for the community,” said Speakman. “We all hate gridlock and tolls, but it’s rare to find a local agency that finds unique ways to give money back to its users.”
Gail Coats, a teacher at Coconut Grove Elementary, also got a visit from MDX staff. “What a surprise,” Coats said. “It’s nice to see a public agency giving back to the community. Thank you MDX!”
Nearly 38,000 frequent customers who signed up for the MDX Cash Back Toll Dividend Program will receive checks this month. MDX is preparing to open enrollment in the Cash Back Toll Dividend Program again starting in January 2016. For more information, visit
To view a video of the rebate check deliveries, visit
About MDX
MDX operates and maintains five user-supported expressways in Miami-Dade County – SR 112/Airport Expressway, SR 836/Dolphin Expressway, SR 874/Don Shula Expressway, SR 878/Snapper Creek Expressway, and SR 924/Gratigny Parkway. MDX expressways are funded by toll revenue, which is reinvested back into the community and funds the construction of projects that alleviate traffic congestion, create thousands of local jobs and provide new opportunities to small and local businesses. The agency also gives back a portion of its annual revenue to drivers through the MDX