IEC Opposes Another Attempt at Card Check

Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC), signed a letter from the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW) opposing the "Workplace Democracy Act" (H.R.5728/S.2810). This bill, introduced in May by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI), proposes a number of amendments designed to overhaul labor-management relations and increase union membership. The bill would institute several reforms, most notably substituting “card check” representation election “sign-ups” in place of secret ballot elections and codifying the joint-employer standard established under Browning-Ferris.

The bill also proposes to:

  • Eliminate right-to-work laws by repealing Section 14(b) of the National Labor Relations Act
  • Require mandatory binding arbitration of first contracts
  • Expand “persuader activity” reporting and disclosure requirements
  • Lift prohibitions on secondary boycotts and recognitional picketing
  • Narrow independent contractor standards, which could harm sharing-economy workers and stifle innovation

"By proposing to eliminate secret ballot elections, the Workplace Democracy Act is anything but democratic," said Jason Todd, IEC National vice president of government affairs. "This legislation is nothing more than an attempt to drastically tilt the playing field in favor of unions by trampling on the rights of employees and job creators."

This legislation will not have a chance to advance in the current Congress, as this is very much a political document that will be used during campaign season. However, the bill could serve as a guide for policy changes in the future. IEC will continue to protect its members' interests by vigorously opposing this proposal and educate members of Congress on the anti-worker and anti-employer legislation.

About IEC
Established in 1957, IEC is a trade association representing more than 3,300 members with 50 chapters nationwide. Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, IEC is the nation’s premier trade association representing America’s independent electrical and systems contractors. IEC National aggressively works with the industry to establish a competitive environment for the merit shop — a philosophy that promotes the concept of free enterprise, open competition, and economic opportunity for all. Learn more about IEC at and

Source: IEC National

About Independent Electrical Contractors

The mission of IEC is to enhance the independent electrical contractor's success by developing a professional workforce, communicating clearly with government, promoting ethical business practices, and providing leadership for the electrical industry

Independent Electrical Contractors
4401 Ford Ave. , #Suite 1100
Alexandria, VA


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