Husband and Wife Team Up to Create Quality Home Child Care: CACFP Showcase

Austin, TX, March 20, 2017 ( - Connie Mancillas had a different start than many child care providers, working as the assistant director for Mid-Michigan Child Care Centers. She did make a change, but stayed close to her roots when she opened her own home child care. Twenty years later her husband, Tony, works alongside her and they cannot imagine doing anything else. Connie and Tony understand the responsibility parents are entrusting them with. It is an honor and privilege that they do not take lightly.
A monthly newsletter is sent home with lessons to be encouraged by parents in addition to a list of current school activities. The parents are involved by contributing healthy foods with produce from their own gardens and books from home to correlate to the themed units. They all have a role in the community and share that with the child care group as well.
"We love what we do and have been so fortunate to have amazing families."
Connie Mancillas, Home Child Care Provider
Tony and Connie believe everything can be a learning experience. Cooking projects can turn into science with physical properties and chemical changes. Math is incorporated by cutting the food into different shapes, counting things like orange slices, and measuring ingredients. They even use the Michigan rivalry to encourage vegetables; Sparty fans eat green beans and Wolverine fans eat corn.
Staying active is a key in the Mancillas's home child care. The children are outside as much as possible, even enjoying snacks and some meals as picnics. During the summer, Connie spends hours swimming with the kids and working on projects. Free play, imaginary play, songs, finger plays and games are included with every themed unit. One activity always leads into an idea
for another and the children have the freedom to direct and learn together. The simplest things can turn out to be the children's favorite and most rewarding.
CACFP is an indicator of quality child care. When children are cared for by providers who are part of the CACFP program they are receiving the best nutrition available. Learn more about other CACFP providers featured in our Member Showcase at our website,
Since 1986, the National CACFP Sponsors Association (NCA) is the leading national organization for sponsors who administer the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). We provide education and support to thousands of members in the CACFP community and in particular to sponsors of all sizes from across the country. We strive to improve communication between families, care givers, sponsors, and their supervising government agencies.
Source: National CACFP Sponsors Association