How CarePN is Saving Organizations Millions of Dollars

With relapse rates at 92% and the average patient returning to treatment five to nine times, it is clear is that enormous sums of money are being wasted on ineffective programs that cannot defeat the tenacious grip addiction holds on its victims.

CarePN Care Provider Network

​​Organizations that rely on self-funded insurance are taking steps to reduce the waste caused by addiction relapse among their covered populations. With so much money being spent to cycle addiction sufferers again and again through the same programs, many of these self-insured organizations have had enough.

Bob Smoley, a serial innovator with experience bringing a dose of common sense and clever new technologies to bear on complex challenges, has a solution that has captured the attention of several of these self-funded organizations. Mr. Smoley founded Care Provider Network to build a private network of upscale, high-quality addiction treatment providers and facilities nationwide at every level of care. The company pairs patients with providers within its network at no cost to the provider, offering negotiated rates that are guaranteed and that are higher than typical reimbursement rates.

To reduce relapse rates, CarePN built a platform to manage millions of care plans and to coordinate the patient's care from facility to facility, from provider to provider. The platform utilizes VerifyID’s facial recognition technology to verify the identity of the patient at every point of care, ensuring that the correct person is getting the correct treatment at the correct time and place.  CarePN virtually holds the patient's hand throughout the journey to recovery, intervening proactively if any step in the care plan is missed.

"If we take action immediately when a patient misses a step in their planned recovery path, at least some relapse can be prevented, reducing overall treatment cost," said Mr. Smoley.  "With relapse rates at 92%, one could ask why we even bother to treat addiction, but reducing that even 10% would make massive inroads on the waste and, more importantly, bring more of our members to a persistent recovery that lets them return to work and to a fulfilling life with their families and loved ones."

Care Provider Network is already verifying identities and enrolling patients at addiction treatment centers nationwide for a Third-Party Administrator who oversees the healthcare benefits of 14 labor national labor unions with a covered population of approximately 15 million union members and their families. With hundreds of patients enrolled and being scanned daily to verify identity at the point of care, CarePN is now expanding its reach through telehealth/telepsychiatry. A new effort is underway which will see VerifyID integrated into a nationwide telehealth/telepsychiatry platform to verify the identity of patients being treated via video conference.

About Care Provider Network

CarePN continues to build a nationwide network of inpatient, outpatient, and telehealth addiction treatment providers. CPN removes barriers for both providers and patients and coordinates care to meaningfully impact relapse rates. More information is available at

Source: Care Provider Network