Holograms for Hanukkah Add 3D Effects to a Community Celebration in Calabasas

Hypervsn technology was used to create 'holograms' floating in mid-air for a Hanukkah celebration in Calabasas, California. TLC Creative Special Effects created the 'holographic' displays using new technology Hypervsn HD, high-resolution see-through screens. While not actual holograms, the 3D LED display appears to viewers as imagery floating in air.
Floating Video Holograms at a Hanukkah Celebration in Calabasas

An outdoor Hanukkah celebration called Glow in the Dark! was held at The Commons in Calabasas for the community of synagogue Calabasas Shul. TLC Creative Special Effects provided floating video "hologram" displays with bright 3D graphics floating in mid-air. Brilliant Hanukkah images were created by TLC to float above the special event, inspiring people seeing the floating video for the first time.

TLC Creative is creating Hypervsn displays at special events and exhibits, using the surprise factor of the 3D "holograms" for branding and messaging that literally "floats" in mid-air. TLC is specializing in Hypervsn displays to showcase the "holographic" effect for North American events and exhibits and is creating large "holograms" of up to 10 feet wide.

It's fantastic. The holograms are even better than I could have imagined. Seeing the graphics live is amazing.

Yakov Vann, Director of Kashrut Services Rabbinical Council of California Rabbi; Calabasas Shul

The special event held at The Commons for the Calabasas Shul was especially important this year for a community reeling from recent tragedies, such as the Woolsey Fire that displaced many local residents and burned large areas of Los Angeles and Ventura County, one of the largest fires in California history, plus the recent mass shootings nearby in Thousand Oaks and at the synagogue in Pittsburgh.

Yakov Vann, rabbi of Calabasas Shul, approached TLC to help add some extra energy to this year's Glow in the Dark! Hanukkah celebrations and some exciting live special effects are planned to enhance next year's Hanukkah event.

"It’s fantastic," Rabbi Vann said, seeing the display TLC created for the event. "The holograms are even better than I could have imagined. Seeing the graphics live is amazing."


TLC provides technical production and new technology for events and exhibits and worked with Go West Events at the Calabasas event. TLC is North America’s primary provider of the new technology Hypervsn, which features see-through LED screens displaying bright 3D images that look like holograms.


The Commons is a retail and entertainment center, and a community centerpiece in Calabasas, and has hosted the Calabasas Shul before, and on this occasion, everybody quickly adapted to the wet weather that also attended the Happy Hanukkah celebrations.


The "holographic" floating video displays by TLC Creative have the rich, vibrant look of bright LED video, literally floating in mid-air. Videos and photos cannot capture the unique look of Hypervsn; it has to be seen in person to experience the "holographic" effect. Hypervsn is the only HD version of this new technology available and its brightness is part of the surprise of seeing it for the first time.

The award-winning production teams at TLC Creative create event experiences with live special effects, drone entertainment, Xylobands interactive events and with other new technologies for live events.

For more information on HYPERVSN, contact TLC Creative.

Email TLC@TLCisCreative.com

Source: TLC Creative Special Effects

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