Greatmats Releases Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Video Training Series

7 Time World Champion Rodrigo "Comprido" Medeiros offers BJJ training tips

Rodrigo Comprido Medeiros

Martial arts mats flooring retailer Greatmats has paired up with 7 time world Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Champion Rodrigo “Comprido” Medieros to put together a 12-part BJJ Training series. In this series comprido offers tips on everything from escapes to guard passes and sweeps through video tutorials.

Below is a list of jiu jitsu tips offered in the Greatmats BJJ Training Series.

Part 1: Mount Escape

Part 2: Back Escape

Part 3: Armbar Escape

Part 4: Guard Pass from Inside a Triangle

Part 5: Closed Guard

Part 6: Mermaid Sweep

Part 7: Headlock Escape

Part 8: Butterfly Guard Pass

Part 9: Open Guard Pass Option 1

Part 10: Open Guard Pass Option 2

Part 11: Half Guard Escape to Back Mount

Part 12: Footlock from 50/50 Guard

Comprido has been using Greatmats martial arts mats for more than six years. Be sure to check out the entire series on Greatmats’ YouTube Channel.

Source: Greatmats

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