Global Health Competency Toolkit: A Starting Point for Global Health Learners and Educators

San Francisco, CA, March 15, 2017 ( - At the Consortium of Universities for Global Health’s inaugural 2008 meeting, participants wanted an organization to define the field and discipline of global health and standardize required curricula and competencies for global health, among other activities. A 2015 seminal article in the Annals of Global Health outlined global health competencies as defined and categorized by the CUGH Global Health Competencies Sub-Committee of the Education Committee. Following up from this work, the Sub-Committee is launching a toolkit that provides learning objects and resources to support competency development. Peer-reviewed by colleagues and leaders within the global health education field, the toolkit hopes to aid and direct educators and institutions to implement a suggested objectives for global health education programs.
Dr. Jessica Evert, Executive Director of Child Family Health International (CFHI) currently chairs this Sub-Committee. CFHI is a Bay Area NGO in special consultative status with the UN ECOSOC and is celebrating 25 years of providing global health educational opportunities. Dr. Evert emphasizes, “In a field that requires us to break down the silo between disciplines, this toolkit is an essential starting point to sharing resources that span professions, institutions, and sources.” The committee is releasing the toolkit in a PDF version that will be freely available beginning on Wednesday, March 15th of 2017.
"In a field that requires us to break down the silo between disciplines, this toolkit is an essential starting point to sharing resources that span professions, institutions, and sources."
Dr. Jessica Evert, Executive Director, CFHI
CUGH is a membership organization of individuals and institutions dedicated to global health education, research, and practice.
About Child Family Health International
Founded in 1992, CFHI ( is a non-governmental organization (NGO) operating at the grassroots level to provide transformative global health education experiences and community empowerment in underserved communities around the world. CFHI offers 30+ Global Health Education Programs designed to broaden students' perspectives about global health - as well as a variety of community health initiatives and projects - in developing countries including Bolivia, Ecuador, India, Argentina, Mexico, Uganda, South Africa, Ghana, Tanzania, and the Philippines. More than 8,000 students have participated in CFHI programs to date. CFHI has been granted Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).
About The Consortium of Universities for Global Health
The Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) was founded by in 2008 by leading North American university global health programs, with funding from the Gates Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation. It works:
-across research, education, advocacy and service to improve health outcomes, particularly for the world's poor
-to aggregate required curricula and define competencies for global health
-to define criteria and conditions for student and faculty field placements in host institutions
-to foster collaborations between institutions in resource-rich nations and those in less-developed nations to address global health challenges
CUGH, and its 145+ member institutions, is dedicated to fostering equitable partnerships between institutions in high and middle-low income countries. This includes encouraging that all partners are involved in the planning, implementation, management and impact evaluation of joint projects.
Source: CFHI, CUGH