Dr. K.A. Paul, President of Global Peace Initiative Advises President Donald Trump to Lift Sudan Sanctions

Washington, DC, July 11, 2017 (Newswire.com) - Dr. Kilari Anand Paul, considered the world's most popular evangelist, wrote a letter to President Donald Trump advising him to relieve the sanctions on Sudan. The letter is as follows:
Dear President Trump,
"Please do not allow yourself to have any second thoughts about the long overdue lifting of sanctions on Sudan July 13. Please honor its leader."
Kilari Anand Paul, GPI President
I’m writing this as an open letter to you so that all our friends in Congress come together understanding how crucial it is that they support you in finally lifting sanctions on North Sudan as planned in just days now on July 13, 2017.
As you know, by God’s grace, I have personally counseled most of the world’s dictators and presidents in 148 countries including Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Slobodan Milošević of Yugoslavia and Serbia, Bashar al-Assad of Syria, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, Charles Taylor of Liberia, General / President Musharraf of Pakistan, and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Please watch the Tucker Carlson PBS Video: Many of them were radically changed by God’s Holy Spirit.
In November 2009, a team of 10 Sudanese Members of Parliament led by the “Father of Sudan’s Parliament,” Minister Ahmed, visited my 1,100 acre Charity City in Hyderabad, India, and for hours explained the gross injustice done to their country, and how 40 million Sudanese have been suffering economic devastation due to the broad sanctions. He requested that I visit Sudan and meet with the leaders and help lift the oppressive sanctions off the largely innocent Sudanese people. As always, I demanded that the President of the country invite me, so after President Omar al-Bashir formally invited me I traveled to the great land of Sudan and its pyramids and natural wonders, spending hours with President al-Bashir, the Vice President, Speaker of the Parliament, later addressing their entire Parliament with my team of religious leaders at my side, representing the seven major religions, including Hindu, Christian, Muslim and Jewish. My Jewish team member, Rabbi Isaac, was the first Jewish leader to visit Sudan in 50 years. Sudanese leaders initially refused him over concerns that he may be killed at the airport or en route, but the President and the Majority Leader, my good friend, Mahdi Ibrahim, made sure they honored their commitment of allowing me to conduct the historic peace summit with all religious leaders.
My first visit was for 30 days, speaking with Christian bishops, pastors and clerics. So committed to helping Sudan in its time of crisis, I returned in January 2010, seven months before the north Muslim-led Sudan sacrificed 33 percent of the country’s land and 65 percent of its wealth to the south Christian Sudan July 9, 2010. To make the long story short, I invested over 150 days of my personal time in Sudan over many visits and meetings, and with many U.S. and world leaders about the true nature of Sudan. However, the assurances that President Omar al-Bashir gave me were not well-received by then-President Obama and U.N. Secretary Ban Ki-moon. Mr. Obama sent Susan Rice personally but nothing happened to relieve the suffering. To my and to the world’s surprise, ever since my first meeting in December of 2009 with President al-Bashir and many subsequent meetings he never once backed off his commitments to sacrificially establishing South Sudan. They reconfirmed this commitment on my two-week visit just last month.
Unlike your predecessor, you understand that north Muslim-led Sudan did the right thing and should be rewarded for its great sacrifice to now southern, Christian Sudan. This example should be a lesson that can be learned for many countries of the world, including China — who is, as we speak, fighting with Bhutan, Tibet, Taiwan, even to a lesser degree Hong Kong and other territories, threatening just yesterday that they will now insert themselves in India and Pakistan’s dispute over Kashmir. While much of the world escalates conflict, Sudan solved one and should at long last be properly recognized and rewarded for doing so.
As a global peace leader who has been used by God to successfully stop seven wars (reported by major media including the AP, Reuters, CNN and the BBC), let us together say enough is enough. No more wars! Peace is possible! We cannot further exacerbate the refugee crisis of tens of millions displaced under the leadership of Obama & Clinton. Thanks to them, the Middle East is a complete mess.
My recent visit to Turkey and other Middle Eastern countries this year was simply heartbreaking. In Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon alone, over 6 million refugees have poured in from bordering Syria, Iraq and Libya. What an unnecessary and massive humanitarian crisis. As a State guest to each of these countries when visiting aboard our Global Peace Boeing 747 along with so many world leaders as my guests, including Ethiopian President Girma Giorgis, four-time Heavy Weight Boxing Champion, Evander Holyfield, many former U.S. Congressmen, U.S. Governors and more, I can tell you each of these regions were peaceful and prosperous. Now, they are hell on earth.
As I told you on the 14th of January last year in Charleston, South Carolina during the debate after I enjoyed sitting with your family for over two hours, that “God has called you Donald to be the next U.S. President, and that if you make few changes nobody can stop you.” When I met with Corey Lewandowski in May of this year, he remembered well my strong words to you in Detroit on March 3, 2016 that, “Even the Pope cannot stop you” after being so insulted by him. Why all my Republican friends supported Jeb Bush, Gov. Kasich or some of the other 14 candidates I can’t say. But I risked my relationship with them and supported you, and only you. Partially because like you in 2002 when we first met, I openly opposed the Iraq war (as a direct on-the-ground mediator) with my then-friend President Bush. Unlike politicians, we are both visionaries seeing what was certainly going to happen in that region. As you know, I’ve defended you before the media while the whole world was against you, and for so doing, you along with your lovely wife Melania and daughter Ivanka openly thanked me that day. God was good to deliver the White House to you as I knew for certain in my spirit that night for the many reasons we’ve discussed.
I do understand you inherited a mess created by other U.S. Presidents and other rogue leaders, but God is with you, my friend. I spoke to many of our spiritual advisers of the 24 and I encourage you to meet once a month for prayer with these leaders. If time permits I will also join you to pray and guide you through the harrowing task ahead (and mark my words, these will be challenging days, Mr. President). Prayer is the most powerful tool we have, so let us join my 21 million fasting partners on each Saturday.
But back to the purpose of this letter, please do not allow yourself to have any second thoughts about the long overdue lifting of sanctions on Sudan July 13. Please honor its leader, al-Bashir who I will tell you is completely a new man since 2009, keeping every promise he’s made to his people and the people of South Sudan. I will share with you more in detail when we next meet in person. May God bless you and guide you.
Yours for global peace,
K.A. Paul
For more information or to schedule an interview with Dr. Paul, call Timothy Deep at (832) 803-4771 or email him at timothydip@yahoo.com.
Source: Global Peace Initiative