Curecoin Protein Folding Rewards Halving as Scheduled

SAN FRANCISCO, May 25, 2018 ( - The Curecoin folding team, which incentivizes research by its team members on Stanford’s Folding@Home project, has passed the first block halving, essentially cutting its daily token rewards in half. The reduction of rewards at this fourth year anniversary is the first of its kind for Curecoin and will occur every 4 years until the year 2106. The schedule is based on the original 100 years of mintage document by Maxwell Sanchez, a Curecoin founder. According to Ivan Tuma, Jr., a core team member, this is “a noteworthy milestone demonstrating the stability and longevity of Curecoin's blockchain as a successful reward system for citizen scientists.”
Since the launch of Curecoin on May 10, 2014, the daily reward, or distribution, has been 7,488 tokens per day for protein folding. Since the payout is being cut in half, the new payout is 3,744 tokens per day for protein folding. The next Curecoin 1.x halving period is scheduled for May 10, 2022. The Curecoin network also issues tokens as part of its proof-of-stake system and proof-of-work by SHA-256 mining. Protein folders earn four times the number of tokens that the miners earn. See the lifetime and daily distribution schedules. The number of tokens issued to miners also halved for the first time recently. The action of cutting daily payouts in half every four years serves to reduce inflation of the supply of tokens, a convention begun by Bitcoin’s anonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto.
The Curecoin team of over 1,300 active members is open to anyone who wishes to volunteer their excess computing capacity to participate in original scientific work on topics in biology.
Thank you, Curecoin folding team members, for continuing to support this unique vision of the future - where over 80% of our electrical power is used for research, not hashes.
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Online Sources:
Source: CureCoin