Cruise Ship Lawyer Advises Number of Onboard Accidents Still On the Rise
A cruise ship lawyer from Crew Advocacy advises that onboard accidents are still rising.
Online, June 13, 2014 ( - Crew Advocacy - Crewmember and Maritime Advocacy Center is a US based law firm specializing in maritime personal injury claims, wage disputes, wrongful deaths, harassment cases and more. The firm service the Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade country offering twenty years of experience and a team of dedicated and professional members who are focused on helping customers pursue legal justice. Crew Advocacy advised that recent reports have revealed that onboard accidents are still rising, even though cruise ships are taking necessary safety precautions to improve the safety of their passengers and staff. The firm advised that since July 2013, there have been some significant accidents which are worth mentioning. In July 2013 a twelve year old had to be airlifted for medical treatment after falling on board the Carnival Sensation. In September 2013, a passenger fell two decks on Norwegian Breakaway and in October a number of passengers were injured during rough seas aboard Oasis of Seas.
A spokesperson from Crew Advocacy also said "There has been a few serious injuries this year. In January a passenger fell and sustained head injuries aboard the Hal Veendam 150km off San Diego and in May, another passenger sustained head injuries aboard the Majesty of Seas, only four miles off the Miami Coast." Crew Advocacy also mentioned a passenger which went overboard on the Bahama Celebration in April which had the US Coastguard searching the area for days. The firm is concerned about the number of reported cases being accepted by their offices relating to personal injury claims aboard cruise ships. As cruise ship lawyers they have seen a wide number of norovirus claims and personal injury claims, but advised that the numbers seem to be increasing despite efforts by cruise companies.
Crew Advocacy advised that many passengers are becoming aware that they can often claim up to one year after the incident and feel that clients should take advantage of this, especially if they have been injured and unable to work for some time after returning home. The firm also mentioned that not all cases are reported, which means there could be many more which haven't been accounted for. This specialist law firm has a team of bilingual members who have extensive experience in this sector of the law and are able to provide customers with the advice needed to help them decide whether to submit a claim or not.