Concerts and Special Events Light Up With LED Wristbands From Xylobands USA

LOS ANGELES, October 3, 2019 ( - Light up wristbands are making engaging event experiences by lighting up every person with synchronized light. Xylobands, the intelligent LED wristbands from Xylobands USA, are the brightest live controlled bracelets available, many times brighter than the silicone bands that imitate but can't duplicate the overwhelming audience reaction that Xylobands create, due to Xylobands wrap-around, extended band of bright LED lights.
Light-up bracelets have become so popular that they have energized music performances by The Spice Girls, Taylor Swift, and others, plus they light up at sports games, corporate events, and more.
America's Got Talent recently used light-up bracelets on their audience, an effect that is especially valuable on TV, as it makes the audience a part of the light show, instead of a large dark area at the show. Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and others have been using light-up wristbands at their shows, but they are the 'wristwatch' type light-up bands that have two or three LED lights in a small silicone band.
The brightness of the intelligent bands is the most important factor to get the motivation level as high as possible. There have been reports from the wristwatch shows of fans noticing that their LED wristbands are not as bright as Xylobands, which are so bright they can light up entire venues.
The 'wristwatch' bands have LED lights like Xylobands, but the Xylobands LED wristbands light up like a roman candle of brilliant visual energy. People naturally hold their wristbands up to share the moment. Xylobands create 'rock STADIUM energy' anywhere they are used.
Millions of Coldplay fans have experienced the stadium energy of Xylobands. Not a small bracelet with just a few LED lights, the Xylobands create 360 degrees of bright light and have an extended band for even more light; it's all about the visibility. People in every direction see the excitement as everyone lights up together.
Xylobands USA is North America's primary provider of Xylobands light-up wristbands and new LED wearables that synchronize lighting effects at special events.
Xylobands USA - Light-Up Wristbands >>>
Founded by the Los Angeles based technical production team at TLC Creative, Xylobands USA brings the LED wristbands, LED lanyards, glowballs, xylo-balls for innovative events.
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Media Contact:
Jeff Ward
Phone: 310.822.6790
Source: Xylobands USA