Clinicians at 2022 AVA Scientific Meeting Discuss Observed CLABSI-Reductions With SecurePortIV® Adhesive

MINNEAPOLIS, November 8, 2022 ( - At the 2022 Association for Vascular Access ("AVA") Annual Scientific Meeting, clinicians reported statistically significant reductions in dressing changes and Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections ("CLABSI") as a result of utilizing Adhezion Biomedical's SecurePortIV® Catheter Securement Adhesive. These findings were presented by clinicians representing seven separate institutions throughout the conference.
Study results were presented by clinicians at Baylor Scott and White Health System (TX), Carilion Children's Hospital (VA), Froedtert Hospital (WI), Ball Memorial Hospital (IN), Houston Methodist Hospital (TX) and Cabell Huntington Hospital (WV). One such study, presented by Holly M. Rodriguez, MSN, RN, CCRN-CNC, RN-BC, and Cristina M. Nuila, MSN, RN, CNL, both from Houston Methodist Hospital, reported a 50%+ reduction in dressing changes while achieving an 88% reduction in CLABSI associated with the use of SecurePortIV® adhesive.
Pete Molinaro, Adhezion's CEO, said, "We have always known about the unique 'cidal' and protective properties of our proprietary medical cyanoacrylate formula, and it's incredibly gratifying to see the impact that SecurePortIV® catheter securement adhesive is making in PICC and PIVC Vascular Access Procedures in both infant and adult populations." The demand for SecurePortIV® adhesive continues to grow rapidly since it was recognized as a Standard of Care for vascular access securement by the Infusion Nurses Society in 2021.
About Adhezion Biomedical LLC
Adhezion Biomedical is a privately held medical device company based in Wyomissing, PA. Adhezion is committed to developing and manufacturing medical cyanoacrylate products used in the treatment of wound closure, wound management, intravenous device securement and infection prevention. To learn more about Adhezion and its products, please visit
Source: Adhezion Biomedical, LLC