Citizens Are Safer With Real-Time Body Worn Computers - Not Body Worn Cameras (BWC)

New Body Worn Computers Turn Each Patrol Officer Into a Mobile Command and Control Center as They Respond To Active Calls

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An international leader in public safety interactive response software systems Equature, Inc. (formerly DSS Corp) announced today the launch of a new technology that helps police and fire department first responders work collaboratively together in real-time with their command and control 911 dispatch centers.

Equature’s Interactive Policing™ technology system integrates the new federal government’s FirstNet framework and Next Generation 911 (NG9-1-1) Command and Control Dispatch recording systems to mobile body-worn camera computers in real-time. Most body worn cameras sold today use proprietary technology sold by camera hardware manufacturers. Equature’s Interactive Policing platform operates off of an open mobile phone computer camera system that have been ruggedized for first responders, providing real-time audio and visible transparency to law enforcement leadership as emergencies happen.

"Public safety professionals today, more than ever, are exposed to emergency preparedness situations that are fluid, moving operational events that require continuous adjustment. Most body-worn cameras (BWC) being sold today are old before you buy them because they use a closed technology that is antiquated and reduces first responder safety and emergency transparency.

Joe Mosed, CEO/Founder

Equature’s Interactive Policing™ platform helps increase first responder safety, and citizen transparency. Interactive Policing™ system includes software applications for suspect item identification, GPS GEO mapping and predictive analytics that help public safety management increase their situational awareness in real-time.

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About: Equature is an international technology leader in helping public safety organizations increase operational efficiencies, accelerate first responder communication and improve citizen satisfaction and security.

Equature offers an integrated technology platform that links Next Generation 911 (NG9-1-1) Command and Control Dispatch recorder systems in real-time to mobile video and audio computer cameras worn in the field by first responders.

Since 1969, Equature has worked in Interactive Emergency Response and currently has over 1,500 Public-Safety Access Point (PSAP) and Law Enforcement clients as well as state and federal government agencies like NASA, Homeland Security and the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol.

Media Contacts:
Paul DiModica
Phone: 770.335.2805

Source: Equature