Child Care Recipe for Success: Outdoor Playtime, Dance Parties, and Good Nutrition

Austin, TX, March 13, 2018 ( - Janet Liebl started her child care career as an assistant in a local school. Recognizing an incredible opportunity to stay at home with her own three boys and fill a need in the community, Janet opened her home as an in-home child care. Seventeen years later, she continues with enthusiasm and is excited to go to work every day striving to go beyond the basics of standard preschool curriculum.
Janet believes there is always something to do that can play a part in the children’s fundamental learning and take them beyond the standard curriculum. Janet enhances the preschool curriculum with small groups centers learning skills such as math with manipulatives and patterns, dramatic play, circle time, cosmic yoga, silly songs throughout the day and sign language. Because Janet feels it is very important to allow the ‘kids to be kids’, she takes them outside at every opportunity and dance parties are even incorporated into every day schedules.
"My goal is to support each child's individual growth and development by providing creative learning experiences in a home away from home atmosphere."
Janet Liebl, Home Child Care Provider
In support of every child living a healthy lifestyle, Janet includes nutrition in her daily learning. The children not only discuss the benefits of nutritious foods, read books and use CACFP resources, but they are also hands-on in the kitchen cooking and preparing for mealtime. The children learn about nutritious choices and then contribute to making their own healthy choices at mealtimes. When they find a healthy recipe they enjoy eating, Janet makes sure to share it with parents so they can eat the food at home.
Children are taught the Golden Rule and social skills. Janet works as a role model of good communication with all of the parents maintaining an open-door policy and sharing pictures of their children participating in various activities throughout the day. It is obvious that the love Janet shares with the children is reflected back as they grow into young men and women who still make time to come visit with her. Janet finds happiness most in seeing what wonderful humans the children have become and knowing she had a role to play to in their lives.
CACFP is an indicator of quality child care. When children are cared for by providers who are part of the CACFP program they are receiving the best nutrition available. Learn more about other CACFP providers featured in the Member Showcase at CACFP's website,
Since 1986, the National CACFP Sponsors Association (NCA) is the leading national organization for sponsors who administer the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). It provides education and support to thousands of members in the CACFP community and in particular to sponsors of all sizes from across the country. CACFP strives to improve communication between families, caregivers, sponsors and their supervising government agencies.
Source: National CACFP Sponsors Association