BAMM! and Chicago Fair Trade Announce a Travel Affinity Program to Increase Program Contributions

CHICAGO, October 2, 2017 ( - BAMM!, the next-generation travel and meeting management platform, today announced with Chicago Fair Trade (CFT) a unique public-private partnership to drive giving for Chicago Fair Trade’s domestic and global initiatives. Using BAMM!’s unique web, iOS and Android-based platform, CFT supporters travel for fun or business and a percentage of the proceeds go to fund Chicago Fair Trade.
"We are tremendously excited to support Chicago Fair Trade’s domestic and global agenda at a time where the political and economic climate is really a call to action for the private sector to increase its role in charitable giving. The affinity program is easy to set up, and provides donors an alternate way of giving and supporting Chicago Fair Trade,” said Kurt Johnson, CEO of BAMM!
Not only is October is Fair Trade Month, booking through BAMM! is an easy way for people to use their purchasing power for good.
Katherine Bissell Cordova, Executive Director of Chicago Fair Trade
“Partnering with BAMM! is a natural fit, as fair trade supporters are adventuresome and most love to travel. And like fair trade, booking through BAMM! is a great (and easy) way for people to use their purchasing power for good,” said Katherine Bissell Cordova, Executive Director of Chicago Fair Trade.
Born as a project of the international anti-poverty organization Oxfam, Chicago Fair Trade is now the largest fair trade coalition in the U.S. Fair trade policies promote economic development, worker well-being and environmental sustainability.
By harnessing the power of American consumers, Chicago Fair Trade helps support tens of thousands of low-income and marginalized workers, artisans and farmers from around the world each year to achieve a fulfilling and sustainable livelihood for themselves and their families.
“We see BAMM! as a way of augmenting our fundraising through the end of the year and beyond. October is Fair Trade Month so this launch is timely. We also are launching a new venture this month: selling Chicago Fair Trade coffee. And booking travel through BAMM! is another great way additional way to support us," said Cordova.
BAMM! helps non-profits grow their contributions through affinity programs; enterprises receive the best market pricing for travel, and busy individuals have the most productive meetings and travel possible. Integrations with Priceline and Uber ensure that nearly all aspects of personal and professional travel are enabled; integration with Uber Conference ensures that users can go virtual, if necessary; and integration with Outlook and Gmail means that users do not have to change behavior to reap BAMM!’s productivity benefits.
Companies and users can:
- Book rental cars, hotels and air travel via the web, iPhone, or Android apps
- Schedule and monitor meetings and events
- Understand if people are going to be late, and reach out individually to participants, and instantly set up a conference bridge or easily reschedule
About BAMM! (Before and After Meeting Manager)
Founded in 2014 in Chicago, IL, BAMM! is the next generation travel and meeting management platform, and is uniquely positioned to offer affinity and travel programs to non-profits and enterprises. As a member of the Priceline Partnership Network, BAMM! has access to over 900,000 hotels worldwide, over 18 rental car brands in 180 countries, and 220+ airlines, and gets travelers where they need to be at the best prices. BAMM!’s smart apps for web, iPhone and Android take the stress out of meetings and meeting management and ensure that users are on time or able to be productive regardless of schedule changes. Integrations with Priceline, Uber, Uber Conference, Outlook, Gmail, combine with BAMM!’s proprietary AI to create an effortless travel and meeting experience.
Chicago Fair Trade (CFT) is the largest fair trade coalition in the USA, comprised of a dedicated base of member businesses, educational institutions, congregations, non-profit organizations, and individual activists. CFT increases support for economic and environmental justice through consumer education, advocacy, and promotion of local fair trade businesses. CFT is proud to be a local and national leader in raising awareness about and building support for fair trade and its principles of environmental sustainability, ethical production methods, fair wages, and safe working conditions.
BAMM! When and Where Effortlessly is a registered trademark of DESTN8,LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Source: Stevens & Tate Marketing for BAMM!