Aviation Maintenance Software Maximizes Aviation Safety and Efficiency in Aircraft Manufacturing Facilities

COLD SPRING, N.Y., April 29, 2019 (Newswire.com) - The New York Times (NYT) recently reported airplane manufacturers “often [value] production speed over quality” and this “frenzied pace” has led to aviation safety concerns. Manufacturers’ production goals should not be in competition with aviation safety. The Federal Aviation Association (FAA) has approved the use of remote connectivity technology, which can be used in the aircraft manufacturing process. Using this technology, aircraft can be remotely inspected in manufacturing facilities to meet production targets. CloudVisit’s Aviation Maintenance Software is one example of remote connectivity technology, which is designed to maximize efficiency and safety in aircraft manufacturing facilities.
Current Aircraft Inspection Processes are Incompatible With Manufacturing Facilities' Needs
Aircraft components are flown to a manufacturing facility from around the world and are assembled at the facility by aircraft assemblers. Historically, an aircraft inspector travels from site to site to ensure that the assembly of the aircraft meets industry standards and government regulations. Aircraft assemblers keep handwritten or electronic logbooks to document production tasks. For example, an aircraft assembler may provide a written description of their assembly tasks and checklists for quality control inspection.
This methodology is incompatible with today’s high-tech, fast-paced aircraft manufacturing environment. An aircraft assembler’s descriptions may not always be written clearly. There may be a quality control problem that is not on the checklist. The outcome of this outdated system is that there is an increase in manufacturing defects, which compromises the aircraft’s safety. For example, the NYT reported instances of aircraft assemblers filing safety complaints of undocumented defects with federal regulators. Airlines have changed their procurement processes in light of these issues. Manufacturing facilities that are non-compliant with inspection and quality controls are identified. According to the NYT, one airline no longer accepts planes manufactured by facilities failing to meet quality control metrics.
CloudVisit Aviation Maintenance Software Can Increase Quality Control and Efficiency in Aircraft Manufacturing
Using Aviation Maintenance Software, aircraft assemblers take video recordings and images of an aircraft component when it first arrives at the manufacturing facility. This data provides quality assurance of the part prior to assemblage. As the aircraft is assembled, factory workers document their tasks through video and audio recordings, as well as images. This data demonstrates what assembly tasks are completed, the accuracy with which the task was completed and the quality of the final output. For example, an aircraft assembler can conduct a non-destructive test (NDT) to ensure the quality of metal of an aircraft component is optimal.
Using Aviation Maintenance Software, the test and the results are documented through video recordings and saved on the cloud. The recording is then shared with aircraft inspectors who can approve quality control checklists from their computers. This remote inspection maximizes efficiency during the aircraft manufacturing process without compromising safety of the completed aircraft.
CloudVisit’s Aviation Maintenance Software leads in remote inspection technology. CloudVisit’s software was designed to ensure aviation is a safe and profitable industry for airlines and manufacturers of aircraft. Aviation Maintenance Software can be used for inspections of manufactured aircraft. It can also be applied to maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) after an aircraft has been delivered to the purchaser.
About CloudVisit
CloudVisit Aviation Maintenance Software enables remote inspections of manufactured aircraft. Aviation Maintenance Software can maximize production goals without compromising quality control and safety of aircraft manufactured.
CloudVisit currently serves many industries and offers Energy Software, Aviation Software, Construction Software, Maritime Software, Transportation Software and Telemedicine Software. CloudVisit is backed by 15 years of success in software programming, video conferencing, telemedicine and telecommunications. The company has a proven record of excellence, efficiency, security and quality customer service.
For questions about Aviation Maintenance Software or MRO software or to request a no-obligation demo, call 845-809-5770.
Source: CloudVisit