Ampersand Associates' Focus on Leadership Through Mentorship

Ampersand Associates team members enjoy a comprehensive leadership training program that includes mentorship. The firm's Director discussed the company's increased focus on mentoring in the coming months.

“We have a specific curriculum for potential leaders that we call the Young Entrepreneur Program because it teaches our team members to think of themselves as business owners,” stated Jessica, Ampersand Associates’ Director of Operations. “It’s an immersive approach to learning that puts our colleagues to work on several different projects at once, and helps them develop practical solutions to real-world challenges.”

One of the defining characteristics of the Young Entrepreneur Program is that participants get the chance to learn from many different team leaders and managers throughout the organization. This, in turn, provides some exciting mentorship opportunities – something that Jessica is looking to prioritize for the foreseeable future. 

"We have a specific curriculum for potential leaders that we call the Young Entrepreneur Program because it teaches our team members to think of themselves as business owners," stated Jessica, Ampersand Associates' Director of Operations.

Jessica, Director of Operations

“We have a wonderful mentorship program running in our office right now. There are plenty of chances to learn from and be hands-on with a mentor. It’s always someone specific, a seasoned leader, who can provide team members with experience every day. We teach our team members to associate with people who will motivate them to do better, and Ampersand Associates mentors do exactly that.”

Jessica noted that many of the mentor/mentee relationships also included social activities, such as coffee, painting with a twist, and even dinner. Spending time with an experienced professional that is invested in another person’s success – whether it’s in a conference room or a coffee shop – is quality time that will pay dividends throughout a career.

Ampersand Associates’ Director Discusses Why a Mentor Is So Important

“Perhaps the most important benefit of having a mentor is that it gives us the chance to bounce ideas off someone who has likely been in situations similar to our own,” Ampersand Associates’ Director shared. “They provide an outside perspective and their own experiences to whatever questions, concerns, or challenges we might be facing. It’s the ultimate example of that old saying about two heads being better than one.” 

This value extends beyond direct business concerns, and can apply to other areas of life as well. For instance, a mentor can help someone get a handle on work/life balance, or recommend books or TEDTalks that address specific needs. 

“A good mentor is a lot like having a big brother or sister. They want you to succeed, even if it means you surpass their level of success. They openly share their wisdom. They’re trustworthy, dependable, and someone you enjoy spending time with. Mentorship is a vital part of the Ampersand Associates experience, and will become even more central in the future.”

About Ampersand Associates 

Ampersand Associates is a recognized leader in the marketing and consulting services field. It’s known for making product promotion a riveting experience. Through dynamic outreach campaigns, the firm’s team members capture buyer attention and forge bonds that last. People can’t help but spread the word about the brand messages they receive from the firm’s promotional specialists. Ampersand Associates’ methods consistently establish businesses in new markets. With training and coaching programs that equip every individual with the knowledge and skills to excel, there are no limits to what they can accomplish. Learn more at

Source: Ampersand Associates