Alabama Botanical Gardens Adds Children's Jungle Garden With Greatmats Flooring

Play Area Complete with Interlocking Playground Tiles
Dothan Botanical Gardens Jungle Garden

When Dothan Area Botanical Gardens (DABG) Board Vice President Larry Dykes and his wife, Ronna, decided to donate a playground to the botanical gardens in Dothan, Alabama, he turned to Erik Vogt of Gencon Associates to build the ''Children's Jungle Garden'' he designed.

Established in 1991, DABG consists of 24 gardens or areas of interested joined by a paved trail on an old 50-acre farmstead.

We were very pleased with Greatmats.

Erik Vogt, Gencon Associates

When Vogt learned of the job he had been given the opportunity to build, he did an online search for playground flooring and found tan colored interlocking rubber playground tiles at that fit the application for the children's garden. The 3.25 inch Blue Sky Playground Interlocking Tiles offered an 8-foot fall height rating and were outdoor rated in all climates. 

Vogt noted that the Greatmats playground tiles were ''very easy to install,'' allowing GenCon Associates to maintain its streak of more than 38 uninterrupted years of business without being released from a construction management, general contracting or design-build project. 

''We were very pleased with Greatmats,'' Vogt added. 

DABG's all-volunteer Board of Directors maintains the organization's commitment to the conservation of natural resources for future generations. The Gardens' mission to enhance the quality of life for Wiregrass citizens, serve as an educational resource for children and adults in garden lore and environmental issues, and be a vibrant area attraction that promotes tourism and economic development in southeast Alabama has taken another step forward with the addition of the Dykes' donation of the the Children's Jungle Garden.


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Ecommerce provider of specialty flooring solutions for home owners and companies large and small. Greatmats offers a variety of athletic, home and commercial flooring products at competitive prices and provides excellent customer service to customers Corp.
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Milltown, WI


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