3EX Hosting: How Cloud Computing Can Improve Business Operations

3EX Hosting, Miami’s leading cloud hosting provider, talks about the benefits of “going to the cloud” for local businesses.

Cloud computing has dramatically changed the landscape of hosting. Most businesses no longer have a local server, and if they do it may only be a backup – which is also going to the cloud. The cloud is tremendously capable – which is why its adoption has been very swift in the last few years.

There are many benefits of cloud computing, a few of which are summarized here:

1. The cloud has fewer operational issues

Although cloud computing is complex, it actually has far fewer infrastructural issues than other systems. A cloud system runs on its own servers through a company whose sole job is to make the cloud functional and free of bugs; it’s definitely more reliable than most location-based servers.

Most server owners do not have enough time to run their servers, so small issues can compound over time into bigger issues. Which is why having an on-demand hosting cloud can ameliorate a lot of technical problems for a company.

2. The cloud is a huge money saver

Going with cloud hosting helps business owners realize significant cost savings over on-site hosting, in large part because business owners do not have the personnel resources to dedicate to fixing the server if it experiences downtime.

3. No Downtime for a Cloud

For businesses that need technology resources available 24/7, a cloud’s infrastructure allows users to access the cloud wherever there is an internet connection. No more do they have to worry whether they can access a file if they forgot their flash drive at the office.

About: 3EX Hosting offers continuous uptime for your servers, world-class security measures and support, scalable solutions to meet your growing business needs, and proactive maintenance and constant updates to your network (a cloud service in Miami). 3EX Hosting is headquartered in Miami, Florida, and has data centers throughout the United States.

Source: 3EX Hosting