Movari Marketing Announces Upcoming Recruitment Initiative

The Movari Marketing team recently announced a recruitment initiative that will enable them to expand their team for future success. According to Leah, the firm's director of operations, they will be seeking highly motivated candidates.

Team expansion is always an exciting time for any company. It represents both the success of the firm and the opportunity to get to know new team members. For talent-driven companies like Movari Marketing, adding new perspectives and skillsets is extremely important. Leah stated that they will be actively seeking to fill several open positions.

“It is important to us to find candidates who really want to be here,” she stated. “So we will be searching quite aggressively for highly motivated and ambitious individuals. We have opened up several new positions that we hope to fill within the next few months. Recent demand has necessitated increasing our promotional capacity.”

"It is important to us to find candidates who really want to be here," she stated. "So we will be searching quite aggressively for highly motivated and ambitious individuals. We have opened up several new positions that we hope to fill within the next few months. Recent demand has necessitated increasing our promotional capacity."

Leah Hester, Director of Operations

According to Leah, they are primarily seeking candidates with positive attitudes who will make great cultural fits. She indicated that while experience and technical skills are nice, they are not required for any of the positions. “Our training program at Movari Marketing is unmatched,” she elaborated. “We have the ability to prepare anyone, regardless of experience. So we are really looking for passion.”

Movari Marketing’s Director Discusses Recruitment Best Practices

Movari Marketing’s current push for hiring new team members led Leah to discuss some of their recruitment practices. She indicated that one of her most successful techniques is to leverage the networks of existing workers.

“We also truly do not prioritize experience,” she continued. “This isn’t without purpose or because of necessity. Anyone can pick up a job if he or she cares enough to learn about it. We seek people with winning attitudes who are ready to keep pushing until they reach their goals. Those are the types of people who really deliver results.”

Leah added that it is essential to keep standards high, no matter the situation. She explained that the worst mistake a manager can make is to hire someone who is subpar when the pressure is on. This will only result in disappointment and future headaches.

“Don’t forget that interviews are two-way interactions,” she concluded. “So many managers think they are just evaluating the candidate. They don’t realize that the individual is also evaluating them. If you really want to attract the best talent, you must impress the candidates. This is more than just compensation – show them you offer a great environment. This is essential to good recruitment.”

About Movari Marketing

Movari Marketing is the area’s top provider of consulting and experiential sales advertising services, leveraging careful marketing analysis, along with customized and interactive channels of outreach, to secure high visibility and meaningful customer relationships for the products the team promotes. This results in consistent return business that drives incredible profitability. The firm’s team of brand ambassadors expertly identifies customer needs and meets them using transformative outreach solutions aligned with the latest buyer trends. Furthermore, they infuse dynamism and energy into every product they manage, which also consistently results in measurable returns. To learn more about these top-notch services, visit