UndefinedZenith Garage Flooring Offers Affordable Residential and Commercial Floor Coating Solutions

Zenith Garage Flooring, a locally owned and operated firm in Denver, provides affordable and innovative residential & commercial floor coating solutions. They utilize the technological advancements of epoxy and polymers to keep current in the floor c

Founded in 2008, Zenith Garage Flooring, a franchise of the nation's #1 epoxy flooring company provides superior floor coatings in Denver. They provide the highest standard of services to their customers through dependable and skilled home improvement at affordable prices. With thousands of garages coated, the company guarantees 100% satisfaction.

"Special attention is given to make the front or formal entrances impressive for our guests. But what about the other entrances of our home? Generally, we enter our houses from the garage or mudroom, but do we really give these areas the deserved attention?" questioned the spokesperson from Zenith Garage Flooring.

He continued, "Ideally we're the ones who need a welcome retreat to transition from a fast-paced world into an appealing, friendly reminder that we're entering a quiet resting place - home. We should feel as good about our garages as we do the rest of our home. Finished interior garages are on the rise, and custom-design garage flooring is one way to provide a distinguished appeal. It is a great concept, affordable, and easy to install. With us, it is even easier to install and receive an amazing finish".

Zenith Garage Flooring understands the need of both individuals and business owners. That's why they are offering four types of epoxy floor coating finish options: Silver finishes, Gold finishes, Platinum finishes and Platinum PLUS finishes. The best thing about the finish is its durability. As epoxy flooring has a proven durability of 25 years, one can expect the same from Zenith's Garage Flooring. The coatings also offer excellent overall resistance to a wide spectrum of chemicals including aromatic and alphatic hydrocarbons, acids, alkalis, alcohols and many solvents.

In addition, they are a fully licensed and insured company for concrete sealing. Their approach to staining raw concrete is similar to sealing. "We are dedicated to ensuring that each of our customer's needs and expectations are met. If the work looks great, we did our job. If you are not completely satisfied, we will come back to fix it", said the spokesperson.

About Zenith Garage Flooring

Zenith Garage Flooring is Denver's #1 garage flooring contractor and offers floor coating options for both private home owners and large industrial clients. Their flooring systems are typically installed over a 2-3 day period, and include multiple layers of different material types to ensure strength and durability. For more info, visit http://zenithgarageflooring.com/
