Pure Air Lovers Society - A Suzlon Initiative For Clean Air

Indian power company, Suzlon, has launched a new campaign called p.a.l.s. - Pure Air Lovers' Society. http://www.pals.in

Are you the typical environment freak who wants to do his or her bit to reduce carbon footprint, but doesn't know how to? Energy major Suzlon has just devised a new programme that enables students, housewives, working executives, armchair philosophers and just about anyone else to contribute to, well, saving the planet. The scheme is called p.a.l.s, an acronym for Pure Air Lovers Society, is an open group whose objective is to work together to build a pollution-free environment.

All you have to do is register at www.pals.in to be a part of this initiative. Once you become a member, you will get a mail stating that Suzlon will plant a tree in your name, which would absorb 40kg of carbon-di-oxide a day.
The movement is embarking on an extensive national print and TV campaign and is promoting this new event through social networking sites as well - the Facebook P.a.l.s home page already has 3,210 followers.

Dharini Mishra, Global Head, Brand, Suzlon Group who was present at the project's launch today, said, "The primary target audience of this movement is mainly the urban educated youth who are willing to make a change. By youth I mean not by age, but by heart."

R Balki, chairman, Lowe Lintas, the agency that conceptualized the p.a.l.s campaign, said, "We believe that the movement will resonate with the people of India, educating and empowering them to make choices that have direct impact on our planet." The campaign has been structured in three stages -teasers to intrigue, manifesto to reveal, and post-reveal to drive traffic.

Since more than 70% of air pollution is caused by vehicles, p.a.l.s asks its members to switch off the engine at traffic signals, as idling produces more emissions than driving. It is believed that switching off the engine for just one minute reduces carbon emissions by 69 gm.

Submitted by:
Ashish Kulkarni

Content Source: BS