Juan Ochoa's New Book "Bordertown Justice" is a Potent Look at the 'American Dream' From An Immigrant's Viewpoint

Recent release "Bordertown Justice" from Page Publishing author Juan Ochoa is both insightful and honest; this work takes an in-depth look in the judicial system and its injustices towards any individual targeted by corrupt law enforcement officers and corrupt public officials that manipulate the legal system to pursue their own unlawful interests.

Juan Ochoa, a Hispanic immigrant, writer and author, has completed his new book “Bordertown Justice”: a gripping and potent first-hand-account of the abuse of authority and crimes against any individual in one border-town in Texas.

Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Juan Ochoa’s poignant tale is an enlightening, prolific work that opens a window into the truth behind the ‘American Dream’.

“Living in the United States of America is the dream most people of different countries strive to achieve. The United States of America is considered by most as the land of the free, of equality, and of justice for all. It was my parent's dream that eventually became true when we were able to obtain our visas and ultimately our legal residency in the border town of Laredo, Texas. At the age of sixteen I obtained my citizenship, and from that day on I felt as a complete American. I felt so fortunate and proud to belong, and be part of this great nation. Unfortunately, at that time of my life where I felt I had achieved all my goals and felt successful and proud, I fell victim to corrupt law-enforcement officials. Without regard to my innocence and without remorse, they conspired with others within the judicial system to avoid a possible lawsuit.” states author Juan Ochoa.

Readers who wish to experience this powerful work can purchase Bordertown Justice” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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