World News - Government & insurgents harming education -

LONDON,(UPI) -- Human Rights Watch says both the Thai government and insurgents are harming the education of children in the country's southern border provinces.

LONDON,(UPI) -- Human Rights Watch says both the Thai government and insurgents are harming the education of children in the country's southern border provinces.

In a 111-page report released Tuesday, the organization said insurgents have spread terror among students and their parents by burning and bombing schools and threatening and killing teachers.

At the same time, Human Rights Watch criticized the government's use of schools as military bases.

"While school security might require the presence of government forces near schools, there are many disturbing instances of troops using schools for extended counterinsurgency activities," report author Bede Sheppard said.

"The government shouldn't interfere with children's education just because it wants somewhere convenient to set up military camps," Sheppard said.

Since January 2004, 108 government teachers and 27 other education personnel have been killed in the southern border provinces.

The report said ethnic Buddhists comprise the vast majority of the victims.

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