Woman-101 LLC and Stacey A. Storino, Esq. Release the Courage Collection

Building better, braver business women with a collection of online courses

  Woman-101 LLC, headed by CEO Stacey A. Storino, Esq., is releasing its new Courage Collection, a grouping of online courses consisting of digital training specifically designed to digitally mentor busy working women so that they can enjoy increased confidence and compensation while surmounting workplace challenges that are unique to them.  The Courage Collection will be released on April 11, 2017.

Stacey A. Storino, Esq. has been an attorney in the State of New York since 1998.  While she still maintains her license to practice law, from 2012 to the present time she has transitioned from full-time attorney to full-time certified life coach. Her coaching practice includes everything from white and blue collar female employees to self-employed women, all navigating thorny business-related issues with little to no female role models to provide them with useful guidance. 

"Even if a woman's regular duties and responsibilities don't include negotiations on behalf of a customer, legal client or patient, she still has herself as her most important client," Storino says. "Over the course of her career she will have to negotiate for better pay, better positions and more. Yet, studies show that some advice when it comes to negotiation techniques must be implemented differently when it's a woman employing them, or they will backfire. Nuances like these are critical and almost no one is talking about them, to the detriment of the women attempting to get ahead."

Woman-101 is known for "providing training that creates better, braver businesswomen".

The collection, starting with the release of its flagship master course, Bravery University, will be exclusively sold on the website https://www.braveryuniversity.com where the training unique to working women in today’s marketplace can be accessed for those who otherwise cannot otherwise locate one-on-one life coaches with Ms. Storino’s background, sounding in both business and law.

Bravery University is designed to showcase the information and activities that are necessary to decrease a working woman’s stress while increasing the quality of her working conditions and her compensation, all in a way that makes her feel as though she is both grounded and deeply satisfied.   

The ten modules of Bravery University concern teachings running the gamut from assertiveness training to overhauling one’s professional image and how to improve a woman’s effectiveness as a negotiator.  

“Even if a woman’s regular duties and responsibilities don’t include negotiations on behalf of a customer, legal client or patient, she still has herself as her most important client,” Storino says.  “Over the course of her career, she will have to negotiate for better pay, better positions and more.  Yet, studies show that some advice when it comes to negotiation techniques must be implemented differently when it’s a woman employing them, or they will backfire.  Nuances like these are critical and almost no one is talking about them, to the detriment of the women attempting to get ahead.”

Having access to a life coach who is also a lawyer means working women will be able to gain the advice they need to succeed even if their issues have legal dimensions to them, such as sexual harassment or other forms of workplace aggression. 

The Courage Collection also includes advice as to how to properly break glass ceilings and navigate the “glass cliffs” that female executives may find themselves perched on.

The release of Bravery University kicks off an entire collection of online courses from Woman-101 that will include The Conflict Resolution Toolbox course (advanced negotiation techniques) and The Enemy Remedy course (advice for victims of workplace espionage).

Ms. Storino is excited to have longtime Woman-101 fans enjoy the new collection of online courses that will provide the guidance that they’ve been requesting.

For more information about Woman-101 or Bravery University, or for an interview with Stacey A. Storino, Esq., please write to team@woman-101.com. Media high-res photos available upon request.

About Woman-101 LLC

Stacey A. Storino, Esq. started designing Bravery University after she was faced with a very real problem: much of her clientele lacked time for many one-on-one coaching sessions with her, due to long work hours, but yet they desired more of her assistance so that they could become better, braver businesswomen.  

Thus, Bravery University was born, providing 24/7 digital access to the top ten topics that Storino’s coaching clients would repeatedly ask her assistance in addressing.  The Enemy Remedy and The Conflict Resolution Toolbox came next. 

For more information about Woman-101 LLC, visit https://www.woman-101com.  Follow Woman-101 on its blog at https://woman-101.com/blog/ on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Woman101Brand/ or on Twitter at https://twitter.com/woman101llc

Media Contact:  Stacey A. Storino, Esq., 914-497-8943, staceystorino@aol.com

Source: Woman-101 LLC and Stacey A. Storino, Esq.

About Woman-101 LLC

Woman-101 LLC is a company that provides life coaching in a digital format so that its trainings create better, braver businesswomen who enjoy decreased stress and increased satisfaction in their professional lives.

Woman-101 LLC
7 Birch Hill Drive
Poughkeepsie, New York