Winning Smile Marketing Announces a New Addition to their Marketing Team: Dr. Irvy

Dr. Irvy, the energetic animated pediatric dentist has joined the Winning Smile Marketing team He assists family and pediatric dentists in their quest to cure kids' fear of visiting the dentist.

Charleston, SC (June 24, 2010) - Winning Smile Marketing, Charleston's fastest growing dental marketing company, is proud to announce a fabulous addition to their marketing team: the fun-loving, kid-friendly animated Dr. Irvy. He melts children's anxiety of visiting the dentist with his playful personality, quirky dancing, and simple explanation of how going to the dentist is a good idea.

Whether it's the drills, the needles, the white coats, or the X-ray room-most children are afraid of the dentist. Winning Smile Marketing recognized this problem and began crafting a solution. After months of designing and modifying, enter Dr. Irvy! He's entertaining, educational, and most of all his "Tell-Show-Do" method prepares them for what's to come. In short, he's a miracle worker.

Dr. Irvy was created by Winning Smile Marketing as an office and Internet marketing tool for Pediatric and Family Dentist. Helping them connect with kids on their level and making visiting the dentist a better experience. "Dr. Irvy is absolutely fabulous. He has brought liveliness to my website and office that kids love. As a pediatric and family dentist, I see many kids who are afraid of getting their teeth checked. But with Dr. Irvy, I can show kids going to the dentist can be fun. Dr. Irvy is just what kids need to help them feel secure and relaxed," says Dr. Mary-Ann Wolf of Akron Ohio.

Dr. Irvy's first video entitled "Russell Has a Cavity" helps kids feel calm and comfortable about visiting the dentist. The video-the first in a 10-part series-engages both kids and parents alike in topics related to a child's dental hygiene and responsibility. Each video is entertaining, educational, and completely memorable. "Dr. Irvy is funny when he dances. He spins around and the lights make different colors. He helps kids with their dirty teeth, too," says Timothy, age 6 of Ferndale Washington.

Media Contact:
Kym McLaughlin, Co-Founder and VP of Marketing