White Chiropractic upgrades website

Mooresville Chiropractor 1988 Olympian Dr. Curt White 20+ years Chiropractic experience helping thousands has upgraded their website the site has many new educational pages to help patients understand their condition.

The White Chiropractic website gives helpful information on auto injury, neck pain, back pain, peripheral neuropathy, disc herniation, and spinal decompression therapy. Other new pages include fibromyalgia, arthritis, degeneration, headaches, migraines, oxygen therapy, sciatica neuritis, and whiplash. Dr. White has helped thousands of chronic pain patients with safe conservative natural treatments. Chiropractic healing is based on finding the cause of the problem and fixing that v.s. covering the symptoms with drugs and surgery. Dr. White was injured while training for the 1988 Olympic weightlifting team after visiting six medical Drs.he was unable to train, after a Chiropractor fixed Dr. White he was able to resume training and represent the US in Seoul Korea. Due to this positive experience he began Chiropractic College in St. Louis MO graduating in 1988.

About White Chiropractic

White Chiropractic
122 gateway blvd. suite 100 Mooresville NC
Mooresville, NC
