What's Up With Starbucks, High Frequency Trading, and Dark Pools

Find out the facts about how companies effectively do business during slower economic growth and how High Frequency Trading and Dark Pools affect investors and traders.

Next week on Martha Stokes CMT Live Radio, Martha presents the facts about Starbucks, High Frequency Trading, and Dark Pools.

She uses Starbucks as an example of how to study stocks for investment potential during periods of slower economic growth. Learn what it takes for a stock to hold up its value against a gloomy backdrop and how much a CEO matters. Martha will delve into the chart patterns occurring currently and also the fundamental value of Starbucks.

Later in the show, Martha will be giving insight into two market participant groups that have been in the spotlight of late: High Frequency Traders and Dark Pools.

Recently there was a news show that featured information on High Frequency Trading firms. And many traders and investors are fearful of Dark Pools, feeling that these market participants have an unfair advantage that makes small-time trading/investing impossible.

Martha dispels unnecessary fears and presents the facts as they relate to investors and traders.

Find out Martha's measured take on these market participants and whether their trading activity affects average investors and traders.

There's so much hype out there designed to sell newspapers rather than inform investors. Want entertainment? Read a newspaper or magazine, or turn on the news. Want investment and trading concepts explained? Look to Martha Stokes, CMT Live Radio.

Martha Stokes, CMT Live Radio airs LIVE at 9 am PST every Monday morning. Visit www.blogtalkradio.com/technitrader to listen to an archived broadcast.

Direct link to Monday's FREE LIVE radio show, November 12, 2012 at 9 am PST:
