Vingineering's New Book "Times Are Square" Challenges Graduates and Current Employees to Avoid Unemployment.
Online, June 23, 2014 ( - The Nation's unemployment rate is slowly trending downwards, as it is has decreased from 9.9% in 2009 to 6.3% in 2014 (, 2014). This is promising news for new college graduates as they enter an extremely competitive job market that has been slowly recovering from the Great Recession that began in 2009. Unemployment for the nation may have improved, however the state's (Michigan) unemployment rate is relatively high at 7.4% (, 2014).
In addition, Michigan's current poverty ratio is 17.4% and earning a higher education reduces the likelihood of living in poverty by 62% (, 2014). To avoid such living conditions more Michigan high school graduates are entering college, reporting that 65.9% of high school graduates entered college in 2013 (, 2014). However, one must be prepared both academically and mentally for today's dynamic economy that showed a 1% drop in this year's U.S. GDP ratings (Sharff, 2014).
To assist graduates and young workers in planning for the future, Vingineering has released their new book "Times are Square" written by Jason F. Coulter. Times are Square provides a great deal of insight on transitioning within one's career, as well as the success and failures taking place. The epitome of the book is to challenge those who seek career success to prepare for their journey, and learn to expect the unexpected. Coulter has worked for 12 Fortune 500 companies since the new millennium and highly recommends this book as a guide. Available online @ &