Vehicle Arson Awareness Program Presented by NYACT and NICB

SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y., October 12, 2021 ( - On Oct. 7, 2021, The New York Anti Car Theft and Fraud Association (NYACT), along with the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), was proud to partner with the NYS Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services, Fire Prevention & Control-Academy of Fire Science on a Vehicle Arson Awareness Program for members of law enforcement, fire services, and insurance company investigators. Attendees included representatives from over 14 agencies (NY State, regional & local) and insurance companies.
This Arson Awareness training educates law enforcement, fire service investigators and insurance investigators in identifying potential arson fires involving motor vehicles. The identification of these suspicious fires early on in a vehicle fire investigation assists law enforcement in potential criminal prosecutions and also assists the insurance industry by identifying questionable vehicle fire claims for thorough investigations by their claims handlers and SIU, resulting in potential savings on fraudulent insurance claims. The program has been conducted all over New York State from Suffolk County to Buffalo, providing classroom and live demonstrations of auto-related arson scenarios for over 10 years due to the success of the program. Through the years, over 1,000 students have attended this VAAP program.
Two programs will be scheduled in 2022.
Travelers, Allstate, and NYCM provided vehicles for this program, and Copart donated the towing of two cars to the facility. The Saratoga County Office of Emergency Services provided the venue for the training.
The New York Anti Car Theft and Fraud Association (NYACT) is New York's association founded to provide training for insurance and law enforcement personnel to combat vehicle crime and insurance fraud. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) is the nation's premier not-for-profit organization dedicated exclusively to fighting insurance fraud and crime.
Media Contact: Abby Curro,, 518-694-8470
Source: New York Anti Car Theft and Fraud Association (NYACT)