"Unlock Your Victory Code: The Key to Hope, Perseverance and Triumph" - Christine Hardy's Book Signing Nov. 13

A book-signing party will be at the Laptop Lounge, Walnut Creek, on Thursday, November 13, 2014 for Christine Hardy launch of her new book, Unlock Your Victory Code - The Key to Hope, Perseverance and Triumph.

Christine Hardy will preside at a book-signing mixer to celebrate the launch of her new book, Unlock Your Victory Code:  The Key to Hope, Perseverance and Triumph, at the Laptop Lounge from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 13, 2014, located at 1701 N. California Boulevard in Walnut Creek, California.  People who attend this special gathering will have the opportunity to meet the author, network with other professionals, and get their copy of the book signed by Christine.  Folks will also have the opportunity at this event to buy one book and get a second book free as a special bonus.

Based on Christine’s personal story and life experiences, Unlock Your Victory Code - The Key to Hope, Perseverance and Triumph is a guide to unlocking one’s greatness!   The text and exercises in this book will take the reader on a journey of transformation through hope, perseverance and triumph.  Perhaps they’ve asked themselves the questions, “Am I good enough?  What if I fail?  Where do I start? How can I change now, when I haven’t been able to in my past attempts?”  In order to become extraordinary, one needs the key to success and Unlock Your Victory Code is the sought after key.

This book is the first step in the journey towards a happy, purposeful, and victorious life!


CHRISTINE HARDY is a Certified Nutrition Educator with a Master’s degree in Nutrition. She has become the “go-to gal” across the country for her ability to help others unlock their greatness, confirming that they are loaded and coded for success. Being passionate about inspiring others to live a fulfilling and extraordinary life, Christine shares her message with audiences as a keynote speaker, through her work as a Certified Nutrition Educator and in written material.

To order Unlock Your Victory Code online, for questions or to book Christine Hardy as a speaker, please go to http://unlockyourvictorycode.com/ or contact her at victorycodeinfo@gmail.com.

About Christine Hardy

Christine Hardy is a former award-winning gymnast and a Certified Nutritionist with 12 years experience in the field. She is a recognized expert in the areas of nutrition, hormone education, and metabolic analysis.

Christine Hardy
325 N. Wiget Lane, Ste 130
Walnut Creek, CA


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