Universal Software Solutions Releases 'Scheduler' for Healthcare Data Management System (HDMS)

New feature unifies clinical and DME staff inside one calendar application
HDMS Scheduler

Universal Software Solutions, Inc. (USSI), a leading provider of practice management solutions for the home health-care markets, announced today the release of HDMS Scheduler. This tool brings increased interoperability between departments where existing applications often create division.    

The product was created to help DME companies better allocate time and space for the excellent patient care that they rely on by their various professionals like orthotists, assistive technology professionals, certified mastectomy fitters and respiratory therapists. The HDMS Scheduler brings staff and facility calendars together into one application to significantly reduce the time and effort needed to create and manage appointments.

Because HDMS Scheduler affords providers the ability to customize and pre-define the types of appointments offered to patients, staff using this module will find that there is very little room for error.

Christopher Dobiesz, President

“Because HDMS Scheduler affords providers the ability to customize and pre-define the types of appointments offered to patients, staff using this module will find that there is very little room for error,” says Christopher Dobiesz, president of Universal Software Solutions. “Appointments will be made accurately and efficiently, maximizing a professional’s availability while minimizing opportunity for underestimating appointment time or double bookings.”

HDMS Scheduler gives clients the ability to define appointment location, appointment rooms, room types, the professionals conducting appointments and the appointment types themselves. “Because of the familiar look and feel, similar to Microsoft Outlook, our clients will be able to swiftly launch this module across the entire organization without having to learn a new methodology," says Dobiesz.

The Scheduler also includes extensive waiting room management functionality. It will enable providers to capture valuable metrics about how their services are running like never before. It will also allow them to manage busy retail locations and waiting rooms by moving patients in a first in/first out work-flow from the arrival to discharge appointment life-cycle. “HDMS Scheduler even offers a Reminder Call Queue that allows users to easily reach out to patients with upcoming events, and lends itself to some exciting automation possibility in the future,” says Dobiesz.

The HDMS Scheduler is compatible with HDMS Version 3.18 which is scheduled for release to Universal Software Solutions clients in December of 2017.

Phil Deschaine, Universal Software Solutions, 248-450-0877, X319

Source: Universal Software Solutions

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About Unviversal Software Solutions

Software Provider to Home Medical and Durable Medical Providers with our Health Care Data Management System (HDMS) software. Software provider to some of the largest Home Medical Equipment providers in the US.

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1334 S. Irish Road
Davison, MI

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