Ukrainian Acacia Honey to Be Tasted by Americans!

The new crop of acacia honey has been reaped in Ukraine recently. And it is at the USA market right now!

The new crop of acacia honey has been reaped in Ukraine recently. And it is at the USA market right now!

Honey is one of the most complex natural products. It contains over 300 various components, such as glucose, fructose, protein, but there are also vitamins and minerals. Since ancient times honey has had the name of "food of the gods". The Greeks, for example, thought that their gods are immortal just because they eat ambrosia, which honey contains.

Acacia honey is considered to be one of the best honey grades. It is easily digested and hypoallergenic! Keeping liquid is one of the most distinctive properties of it!

Honey from white acacia flowers is transparent in the liquid state; during granulation such honey is getting white, fine-grained, reminding snow.

Bees also collect pollen from the flowers of yellow acacia. This honey is very light, but during granulation it is getting tallow, white in color, with average granularity. Yellow acacia honey is also among the best grades.

Ukrainian honey is ecologically clean, it has the highest quality because of its exclusive organoleptic indicators and unique medical properties. Honey can be called "Ukrainian national product" because Ukraine is one of five leading "honey countries" both on gross output, and on consumption of this product per person. Beekeeping industry in Ukraine is represented by such structures as collective agricultural enterprises, private sector, private apiary farm and forestry.

Ukrainian honey is admitted as one of the best in the world for the following reasons:

* Honey is collected from the apiary for specific order without prior treatment;

* The content of antibiotics in honey, its humidity and radioactivity are assessed locally. Therefore, quality of each honey consignment is guaranteed;

* Honey origin is confirmed by certificates of Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The procedure of obtaining such certificate involves investigating the origin of each honey consignment.

Ukrainian company-exporter "SpetsSplav-Stroy" Ltd. operates at Ukrainian market more than 6 years. After analyzing the marketing components of Ukraine and some countries, experts of our company have seen the possibility of forming honey exports program.

"SpetsSplav-Story" Ltd. supplies new crops of acacia honey by automobile (Europe) or maritime (the USA) transport in 200-liter drums made of food quality stainless steel. Price and delivery scheme depend on the particular order. Order acacia honey right here:

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About Export Honey

"SpecSplav-Stroy" Ltd. offers wholesale supplies of honey collected from ecologically clean Ukrainian areas.

Export Honey
3015 N. Ocean Blvd. #15F
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
