Travel Social Network TripColony Restyle Info Leakage

Few details about the new upcoming version of the fast-growing travel social network TripColony leaked out recently. MediaTravel didn't confirm nor deny such information.

Few details about the new upcoming version of the fast growing travel social network TripColony leaked out recently. MediaTravel didn't confirm nor deny such information.

During the last days some rumors have been spread on the net, creating some hype around the new soon-to-be version of [url:]TripColony[/url. It seems that the next generation of this travel social platform will bring advanced web 2.0 features developed in PHP and HTML5, easy user-based content, external applications and plug-ins and a not-better-specified revolutioned user interaction.

What TripColony is.

[url:][/url is an easy-to-use social network built by travelers for travelers. It wants to offer the chance for those who love to explore the world to get to know more of their future destinations through friendships with people living on the spot.

Have you ever wondered about how it actually is living in a place rather than just visiting it? Now you can be aware of it. [url:]TripColony[/url encourages people to share their lifestyles and points of view by letting them promote the place they live in.

We are travelers, and when we used to organize our own travels, we felt the need to know more about the destination, to be able to avoid typical touristic traps, to fully enjoy the local community and lifestyle and not just be foreign visitors carrying their photocameras. We felt the need to have a local friend who could hang around with us, introducing us to the real places.
But people can't just get friends with everyone if their lifestyles don't match.

This is why [url:]TripColony[/url offers you the chance to represent your personal style by choosing among several pre-built public avatars. Only when you become friend with a person they can see your private details.

TripColony is free to join. Stay up to date, sign up and start promoting your places. Let TripColony help you backpacking.

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