Traffic Violation Dismissal Specialists at Ticket Snipers Focus on How to Fight a Picture Ticket in California
Online, December 17, 2012 ( - Every day, many drivers in the State of California are stopped by police officers and issued traffic violation tickets. What comes next is often a huge hassle that no person will ever want to go through: payment of penalties, and sparing time and expense on defense in court. Offering a hassle-free way to handle the problem of traffic tickets is Traffic Snipers, a leading specialist in traffic violation dismissal services in California.
Since its inception in 2010, Ticket Snipers has been serving to defend ticketed drivers in California, leading them to get started on how to fight a picture ticket, and ultimately turn traffic violations into a thing of the past without staining records. A fully-licensed, bonded and Better Business Bureau-accredited company, utilizes state-of-the-art ticket-dismissal processing that is the only one of its kind in the State. Importantly, clients can count on the experts behind the company who are equipped with the knowledge and experience in the industry. Ticket Snipers has earned a reputation for excellence with more than 75% of cases handled getting completely dismissed.
In helping ticketed drivers in California break free from their traffic violation, Ticket Snipers makes it hassle-free by not requiring physically appear in court to fight the ticket. The company guides clients about how it works through the process called Trial by Written Declaration - which involves mailing in the statement to the superior court, reviewing of the case, and receipt of the verdict by mail. Ticket Snipers helps clients successfully learn by formulating a custom, comprehensive, written legal defense portfolio for the case.
To ensure that its services are driven by reasonable factors and indisputable facts, Ticket Snipers has conducted field studies throughout the State. Significant findings indicate that numerous intersections are in violation of the vehicle code, thereby warranting dismissal of traffic violation tickets. Ticket Snipers also banks on robust defenses that include shortened yellow light miscalculation, lack of proper signage, hearsay evidence, unclear photographs, and unidentifiable driver.
Ticket Snipers is notable for promising and delivering success on its services - which means no points, no fines, no insurance increases, no traffic school, no waiting around for countless hours at the courthouse - all for a fee of $199.00 per violation, the lowest rate in the State. Moreover, the service includes an iron-clad 100% money back guarantee for failed services.
To learn more about the premier ticket dismissal services of Ticket Snipers in California, please visit for information.