SONiA Disappear Fear Celebrates 30th Anniversary Performing

"The World is Ready to Disappear Fear"
SONiA disappear fear on Tour

On Oct. 9, 1987, Sonia Rutstein launched her band, disappear fear with the idea that if you disappear fear between people we could all come together for a better world. On Monday, Oct. 9, 2017, she celebrates 30 years bringing that idea around the world. Today more than ever with the recent violence and attacks on individuals rights, "the need to disappear fear" is more relevant than ever. SONiA continues to write songs that address these issues bringing audiences together with her music. That began with the mantra: "the world is ready to disappear fear, a world that is not afraid of itself or who it loves, a world that is ending hunger in the many forms that hunger exists, no one is left out, so tomorrow, when the first rays of dawn reach like swords of light into your eyes, begin the day, like a tango with your soul, in love with life, because you are."

Her songs have addressed World Hunger, the AIDS epidemic, Gay Rights and the Banking Crisis as well as many of today's headlines. SONiA made a decision when she launched disappear fear to be out in her music and while she watched others in the industry hide in the closet until it became financially viable to be out, she never wavered on the idea that "Loving Out Loud" was living into the concept of disappearing fear. When the tragedy of 9/11 led to Muslim-bashing, SONiA disappear fear responded by learning to sing in Arabic, adding to songs that she sings in Hebrew, English and Spanish. She has worked tirelessly as an advocate for peace and her voice is more relevant than ever.

The world is ready to disappear fear, a world that is not afraid of itself or who it loves, a world that is ending hunger in the many forms that hunger exists, no one is left out, so tomorrow when the first rays of dawn reach like swords of light into your eyes, begin the day, like a tango with your soul, in love with life, because you are.

Sonia Rutstein, SONiA disappear fear

This year will take SONiA disappear fear on a tour around the world to say "thank you" to the many fans that have been there over the last 30 years as well as the release of her first musical, followed by the release of a new CD on Oct. 9, 2018.

"The world is ready to disappear fear ... we can do it together."

Media Contact

Nancy Palmquist

Source: SONiA disappear fear

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About Disappear Records

Disappear Records is the label for Award Winning Songwriter SONiA and her band disappear fear.

Disappear Records
PO Box 10435
Baltimore, MD