The True Art of Consultative Selling
Online, April 10, 2014 ( - The straight forward verbal skills of need creation apply to just one person. Unfortunately, major sales are not that simple. Typically, there will be technicians evaluating your product, financial people looking at the cost/benefit analysis, end users checking that it can do the job they want and possibly, senior directors who will make the final decision.
They all have different requirements from what you are selling. Your task is to create different needs in all their minds so that they can buy from you.
The problem is to get them all marching in the same direction, namely towards you. In other words, in addition to the basic verbal skills, there is a political overlay. In this section, we will examine how we might marry the verbal skills to the political coordination and the needs to develop unrecognised needs.
One of the biggest problems that inexperienced salespeople have is how to keep the door open after the initial contact.
We can create needs for products or services in two ways. We can shock the prospect by showing what others are achieving, or work collaboratively to resolve a problem or exploit an opportunity.
In this course, we examine how you can pro-actively set up activities with an account, by selling to many people to identify new opportunities. In short we can define a detailed sales process that starts by gaining a formalised and replicable hunting licence and ends with the prospect appointing a responsible implementation manager with a clear follow up project.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course you will be able to:
• Define consultative selling and understand the difference between recognised and unrecognised needs.
• Understand the main different ways of implementing hunting licences.
• Detail the steps for setting up typical consultative selling sessions.
• Understand the common patterns that underlie the processes for setting up hunting licences.
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