The Special Sauce V1.0 by Kevin James Culp

BMG's goal is to expand the knowledge about the science behind connecting with the right buyers at the right time.

Our goal at The Brickell Media Group, LLC is to shed some light on the science behind how to connect with the right buyers at the right times more often. We’ve nicknamed it our “Special Sauce” that best describes what we do differently here at BMG. In additional to a multitude of other elements, using the element of science and proven human behavior to your advantage can be the singular choice that defines if you connect and close or just leave another voice message.

A client asked me recently if one day of the week was better than another to call a prospect. What time frame and day of the week is best to call web-generated leads to drive the highest qualification and close rates I asked back as if stunned?  This question inspired this post and will fuel the fire for a weekly feed to keep the flavors flowing, ideas coming and all to lead to a higher connection rate for everyone!

The truth is, often we all do it and fall victim to our patterns we’ve known for so long selling various products or services.  However, business owners large and small or maybe even YOU reading this article are possibly using ‘intuition and years – maybe decades of experience’ to manage lead response timing rather than science & data in relation to web-generated leads need to catch up with the times with a very low connection rate wondering what you must be 'doing wrong'.

The skinny of the matter is this, not knowing the best days of the week to call to connect with your very limited prospecting hours can often be the missing link between success and failure for a budding sales person or even a seasoned vet trying to sell something new for the first time that is trying to close web-generated lead sales and having conversation issues.

Wednesday Web-Generated Lead Conversation Tip: It is our job to identify what day of week, time of day and time from creation to call back a web-generated lead for optimal contact and qualification rates. You need to go farther than just calling the prospect back faster than anyone else on planet earth, once that time is past and it will with each lead thousands of times per year… then what do you do?

Did you know that Wednesdays and Thursdays are the BEST DAYS to call to make direct contact with a lead no matter if it was generated ten minutes ago or ten years ago that is science. Moreover, Thursday is almost 50% better than the worst day of the week to call the dreaded–Tuesday.

So, stop reading this and go make some calls the next 48 hours and use the science behind buying trends and human behavior to your advantage the next time you pick up the phone.  And, don't forget to check back next Wednesday for the next flavor of sauce!

Carpe Diem My Friends