'The 9/16 Report: Firearm Casualties and Solutions' is Released

Civilians killed and injured by firearms since 9/11

A special report on firearm casualties and solutions, prepared for the US House and Senate, is now available for download at

The 20-page synopsis  includes statistical analysis of 6,000 data points from the Department of Justice and Center for Disease Control. Several dozen graphs and comprehensive charts illustrate the results. The report addresses issues such as: *Does the NRA solution work? *Are firearm casualties falling? *Who is killing whom? *How successful is self defense with firearms? *Can gun control reduce fatalities and suicide? *Do more guns mean less crime? *How many illegal guns are there? *How much do taxpayers pay for gun violence? *What new solutions could reduce the casualties? The report’s findings include:

  • Sometime close to May 11 next year, half a million Americans will have been killed with firearms. While firearm homicides are falling, they are falling slower than all homicides. Assault injuries with firearms are also rising faster than all firearm injuries. Suicides, justified homicides, involuntary manslaughter with firearms, total firearm fatalities, and firearm injuries are all also rising. 
  • Americans now shoot to death 4.7 times more family and partners than are killed by anonymous thieves, and each passing year, the ratio grows. The total homicide rate is falling because brawls with friends and strangers are falling rapidly. But homicides due to family brawls are flat. In 2018, family brawls will exceed brawls between friends as the main cause of homicide.
  • Out of all fatalities resulting from attempts at self defense, 70.8% are accidental killings of gun owners, family and friends, rather than of any assailant. In 2017, justified civilian acts of self-defense are projected to kill 272, with 489 additional justified police homicides, compared to 34,851 total deaths, 3,383 fatal accidents, and 624 killed by mistake during actions intended for self defense.
  • In domestic violence, firearms kill on up to 62.6% of occasions, but only injure other family on as few as 0.9% of occasions, depending on the relationship. 
  • In suicide attempts, firearms are lethal on 86% of occasions, the method of choice on half of all occasions, and twice as likely to be used as the next most frequent method.
  • Violent incidents with firearms are rising faster than violent incidents without them, disproving the 'more guns, less crime' claim. Firearms deter only 0.12% of all theft and burglary. Right-to-carry makes no significant difference to crime rate. 
  • Taxpayers pay $16.1 billion/year for the costs of firearm violence, more than the entire gun-manufacturing industry's revenue.
  • A gun-violence tax of $40/year could pay for a $100 gun-violence tax credit. The tax credit would ensure there is no violation of 2nd-amendment rights. The gun-violence tax would create unity on measures to reduce gun violence effectively. 

The author is a retired scholar in Philosophy and Psychology of Oxford University, without any affiliation to any lobbying group. The Website http://www.yofiel.com is his private blog. 

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Source: Yofiel.com

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