Texila American University's Journal Receives ISSN Number

South American Journal of Academic Research and South American Journal of Clinical research received their ISSN number from the International Standard Serial Number, France.

Another feather in the cap of the achievements of TAU's E-Journal is the issue of the ISSN number for two of its journals. Recently, South American Journal of Academic Research and South American Journal of Clinical Research got their ISSN number from ISSN International Centre, France.

The ISSN numbers for both the journals are -

- South American Journal of Academic Research - ISSN: 2311-7672

- South American Journal of Clinical Research - ISSN: 2311-7656

The ISSN is a serial number which helps to identify various electronic journal publications and their categories. This will be a unique number and is based on the particular category to which the journal belongs.
South American Journal of Clinical Research publishes articles, case studies, article review related to health science. Articles related to effectiveness and safety of medication, diagnostic products, devices, treatment regimes suitable for human use, etc are published in this journal.

South American Journal of Academic Research consist of articles specialized in the issuing of comparative thematic issues and individual research articles. Basically, the journal publishes articles related to various topics like social studies, economics, mathematics, etc.

In addition, TAU plans to launch the second edition of both these journals in the coming months. Those who are interested in submitting their research articles related to clinical research and general topics can submit them online through the website. Even those individuals or scholars who have extensive academic experience can apply for editorial position by filling the Wanted Editor form given on the website.

About E-International Journal of Academic And Scientific Research (EIJASR)

EIJASR is an online journal consortium for researchers and scholars to publish their articles and findings. It is one of the pioneering academic journals to be launched in South America. To know more, visit http://www.eijasr.com/

About E-International Journal of Academic And Scientific Research

E-International Journal of Academic And Scientific Research
Lot A, Goedverwagting, Sparendaam
East Coast Demerara,


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