Telecom Consulting Opens New Offices to Help Companies Grow

Alex, President of Telecom Consulting, discussed the two new satellite offices being opened and highlighted the team members spearheading the efforts. These strategic expansions will help the firm's national business partners grow.

​The excitement around the Telecom Consulting office is at an all-time high, as team members celebrate two recent office expansions: one in (relatively nearby) Oxnard, and the other all the way across the country in Tampa, Florida. Alex announced that Antoinette will be leading the Oxnard office, due to her incredible people skills. She has been able to build a powerful team and keep them motivated to succeed. Alex will be heading east to spearhead the Tampa office. His confidence and easygoing personality are sure to make him a force to be reckoned with.

These new satellite offices will create many opportunities for growth. First and foremost, Alex is looking forward to using these new locations to help the telecom service providers partnered with Telecom Consulting to expand their maps, so to speak, and reach a much broader audience. Also, since the unique outreach campaigns used by Alex and his team are designed to appeal to specific markets, new customer acquisition strategies (and more of them) will be implemented. This creates hiring opportunities in all three offices, and gives current associates room to shine. Innovative ideas are sure to lead to promotions and even more expansions.

The Foundation of Telecom Consulting’s Growth Is the Right Mind-Set

There is an important first step to achievement that Alex reminds Team Telecom Consulting about on a regular basis: if you want to succeed, you have to believe you can be successful. Traits like confidence immediately come to mind, but Alex prefers the more inclusive concept of a growth mind-set.

To put it simply, a growth mind-set means that a person believes they can change for the better. Through hard work, smart risks, learning from his or her mistakes, and accepting feedback from trusted sources, it’s possible to achieve excellence in almost any area. Rather than worry about looking like experts from the get-go, they put their energy into gaining all the knowledge they can, knowing that this effort will pay off for them.

Alex encourages everyone in the office to adopt this perspective, and makes values like ongoing professional development integral to the Telecom Consulting culture. This leads to team members who feel empowered to reach their goals, and who look forward to bringing their A-games with them to work every day. A growth mind-set is how the firm has grown so much that it can now operate in three different markets, and this same attitude is why Alex is certain that these are just the first of many satellite offices.

About Telecom Consulting:
Telecom Consulting is a respected leader in dynamic marketing. The team creates innovative campaigns that highlight telecommunication companies and their offerings. Each event sparks interest with consumers. The group is infused with passion and energy for the work that they do. This is evident in their abilities to quickly penetrate markets and build brand awareness. Their skills reflect a precise recruitment strategy and training program. The firm’s advancement policies ensure knowledge transfer and dedication. Telecom Consulting’s services are sought by businesses of all sizes. To learn more about their success, visit

Source: Telecom Consulting