Technology Mogul David Tarver to Challenge the "Inner Entrepreneur" in High School Students in Plymouth-Canton Schools, February 26, 2014

Technology pioneer and Michigan native shares his remarkable journey from basement start-up to multi-million dollar international enterprise!

Many Michigan young people are familiar with Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs—but not many know about the technology entrepreneur born and educated in their own "backyard." That changes on Wednesday, February 26, 2014. Students from the 3 high schools within the Plymouth-Canton School District -boasting a student population of about 6,000— will have an opportunity to be inspired by engineer, entrepreneur and author David Tarver during their Black History Symposium. Tarver will speak twice - at 9:30 a.m. and again at 12:30pm in the Canton Little Theater within the Plymouth Canton Educational Park.

Author of the book "Proving Ground: A Memoir," Tarver will share his unique entrepreneurial journey as a young African American coming of age during the turbulent civil rights era. He will describe how he navigated the opportunities and challenges to build a successful multi-million dollar international enterprise, and encourage the students in the audience to chart their own path success. Tarver is a proud native of Flint, Michigan who later earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor.

"I love speaking to young people," Tarver shares. "They have enthusiasm and creativity that they've barely tapped into. This is the age to ignite the fire within them for greatness," Tarver explains.

David Tarver is teaming up with the University of Michigan to introduce a new initiative that challenges college students to develop for-profit solutions to urban problems. Tarver also encourages high school students to launch money-making entrepreneurial ventures to support their dreams.

About David Tarver
A native of Flint, Michigan—David Tarver is a successful inventor, engineer, author and entrepreneur with remarkable success in corporate R&D, technology business startup, and social entrepreneurship. In 1983, David launched Telecom Analysis Systems, Inc. - a high-tech telecommunications instrumentation business. In 1995, he engineered the sale of TAS to Bowthorpe (now Spirent) plc for $30 million. From 1996-99, Tarver spearheaded the creation of a Spirent telecommunications test equipment unit worth over $2 billion.

Today, David is committed to sharing his life lessons in entrepreneurship and inspiring other entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams. He is the author of "Proving Ground: A Memoir," and is currently a lecturer at the University of Michigan Center for Entrepreneurship. to learn more.

To book David Tarver for a speaking engagement, email For interviews, contact Anita S. Lane at 313.447.9083 or See David in action during his TEDx Detroit Speech: View David's full press kit:

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