Summer Camp Online Becomes World's First Online Only Recreation Center

Recreation centers have been running programs kids and parents have loved for years, so with nationwide quarantines in place, Summer Camp Online has partnered with local recreation centers around the country to offer live courses online, starting mid-April.
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Summer Camp Online didn't know what to expect when they reached out to course providers to ask that they propose their courses for their site, but they were blown away by the response. Within days they had more proposals than they could manage. They now turn away more course providers than they accept.

"You have to have something very special to offer, or be the best at what you do to be considered," says Tobin Felfe, Summer Camp Online's founder, "and it doesn't stop there. After submitting proposals, course providers must interview, complete course materials, and pass a background check before their courses can go live."

"We are out to deliver the best service possible to students, and nobody does that better than rec centers, so that's who we're partnering with and emulating," says Tobin. "Acceptance is very stringent, as quality of courses is our #1 priority. No one can just slap a course up and name a price to charge parents."

Recreation centers have noticed, and several have created ties with Summer Camp Online to alert their residents to the live online programs. This couldn't be more perfect timing, as so many rec centers have had to shut their doors to their communities due to the coronavirus. They've been struggling like so many others as to how they should serve their residents and have been looking for creative ideas. That's when stepped in.

Summer Camp Online is not new to kids' programming. Tobin has been running kids' programs since 2005, having founded IncrediFlix, the largest provider of kids' movie-making programs. It was due to his partnerships all over the country that his team was able to make inroads so quickly for what normally could be such a bureaucratic process. Tobin says, "This is a win for everybody. Recreation centers can offer programming for their residents, and they collect a percentage of those enrollments. Kids have access to amazing classes to learn all new fun skills, and parents get some much needed time to focus on their work."

As for long-term prospects for the company, Tobin is hopeful they'll make a longstanding impression. "There are classes that are better suited for rec centers, and others, like our cooking classes, that are better suited for in-home." He also explained that there are limitations on what smaller communities can offer. One recent customer told Tobin he had been looking for a Hip Hop class for his son, and there was nothing in his area but he was able to sign up right away.

Live Programs are starting mid-April, and they're encouraging parents to act fast due to small class sizes.

Media Contact: Tobin Felfe

Phone: 302-689-3715


Source: Summer Camp Online

About Summer Camp Online