Special Effects Photography, the Dark Room Phantom

Gone are the days, when photographers are required to submerge picture papers into a concoction of different liquids to get the effects on the photographs they want.

With prices of SLR and DSLR cameras packed with the latest features declining paired with the latest picture enhancing computer programs and applications, it is only understandable that special effects photography is now a mainstream hobby everyone is trying. Special effects photography has truly come a long way, in terms of popularity amongst amateur and professional photographers alike around the world. It can be noted that most of these special effects are created through different techniques that can only be accomplished through programs like Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is a well known computer software being widely used to create special effects on pictures, however more and more photographers use alternative computer software to add special effects on pictures, some of these software are GIMP, Paint.net and Inkscape.

The popularity of adding special effects on images continuously grow, in fact a subgenre of this artistic expression is emerging from the depths of the least known techniques without using a computer software. Digital photographers today add special effects on images they take through a series of camera manipulation techniques aiming to add depth and effects on their camera captured images for a higher level of artistic expression. To name a few, an online resource website about cameras called, Digital Cameras Worldwide listed some of these special effects techniques that do not use computer software. Camera manipulation being on top of the list involves changing the settings of a digital camera to capture an image in different perspective compared when it is taken with a camera in standard settings. Taking multiple shots and combining them into one is also one of the most popular technique in the said list, together with shutter speed manipulation where a photographer adjusts the speed of a camera's shutter thus creating a special effect that involves precision. There are other techniques that new and seasoned photographers can easily learn. To learn more about these techniques and for more information visit http://digitalcamerasworldwide.com/trick-photography/special-effects

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