Solar Consultants - Much Needed Service in Silicon Valley
San Jose, CA, January 22, 2016 ( - Alternative Energy Consultants - A lucrative small business
Never Retire. Start a Small Business as your second career!
Indu Jayakumar, President
Running a small business is not for everyone. Business owners have to be creative, energetic and have an interest in constantly meeting strangers on a daily basis and treating them like long time friends. This really is the secret recipe for running a small business. LocalBizNetwork, LLC , an organization that helps small business owners get up and running with their websites and online solutions, met with John Cimino and Tim Muller and discussed their Consulting Business for Alternative Energy. There are not many companies in Silicon Valley who will meet with business owners and residents and explain to them patiently about the various options they have currently to save a lot of money using alternative energy like Solar. Alternative energy may not fit everybody's budget and location. Tim and John will meet with homeowners and business owners in Silicon Valley for free to evaluate and educate them on the various options of alternative energy. They have partnered with various solar companies after rating them themselves in terms of quality and customer satisfaction. They will be traveling to farmlands surrounding Silicon Valley since they both realized that farmers are losing a lot of money by not switching to alternative energy. We at LocalBizNetwork, LLC, applaud John Cimino and Tim Muller for embarking on this brave journey when their families thought they were going to retire and relax. Small business owners should learn from the infectious energy that these two men have in giving back to the community. Please check out their website for more information.