Softball Coach Recommends: "Players, Take a 6-8-Week Post-Season Break without Softball"

With the softball season over, a top softball peak performance coach recommends players to stop playing the game altogether for at least 3 weeks.

With the softball season over, a top softball peak performance coach recommends players to stop playing the game altogether for at least 3 weeks.

Softball players are often very eager to go back to the game only a few days after the season has ended. However, softball coach Marc Dagenais recommends that players take a time off for at least 3 weeks, or 6-8 weeks to make a full recovery.

Dagenais explains, "the period is very crucial to ensure a full mental and physical recovery."

Players who do not undergo this recovery period increas the risks of getting injured, mental and physical burn out, and loss of motivation, says Dagenais.

While he encourages players not to play softball during this period, he reminds players to remain active and participate in recreational activities. He also discourages formal conditioning during this rest period.

Dagenais adds that players should take the opportunity to seek medical attention during this period and heal nagging injuries they had during the season.

"Every athlete deserves a break from sports regularly.... It allows you to go back to training completely refreshed, healthy, and motivated," Dagenais says.

Dagenais is a softball coach with more than 20 years of coaching teams that include the Canadian Women's Softball National Team.

For more details about this information, contact Marc Dagenais or visit his website at

About Marc Dagenais:

Marc Dagenais, MHK, CSCS, is a softball peak performance coach that helps players and teams hit with more power, run faster, throw harder, be mentally tougher, and more dominant on the field.


Marc Dagenais
M.O. Dagenais & Associates, Inc.
154 Charlotte St., Suite #C508
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H2X 4A1